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Everything posted by Delay

  1. It is drawing that I really want to do, I'm just lacking motivation to begin anew after literally years of failure and no satisfactory result, ever. It's predictable: Try, fail, take a break, try, fail, take a break, try, fail, ... So I guess the real problem is that I should really just stop worrying about it, yet can't because it's something I really want to be able to do. "I can't draw" isn't an assertion; it's a conclusion. And strangely, drawing is the only task I have this problem in. I wouldn't say that I absolutely suck at programming to the point at which I'd uninstall any IDE the computer may have installed at the moment and leave it at that - and I'm only doing that for a few months. Not years!
  2. I don't get it. I always end up with 9/5 as the area of a Koch curve, but Wikipedia states that it is 8/5. Better yet, the German one agrees with me that it is 9/5. So either the English article is wrong or my approach is wrong.
  3. I'm just terrible at handling anything. Be it clay, wood, or anything else. Why should I put money into something I know I can't do?
  4. "Somewhere between 0 and 10"/10. I'm terrible at judging things.
  5. Banned because your signature is comprised of 3 spoilers with nothing in them.
  6. Both. Okay... Paint: Falls in the same category as drawing in my opinion. Words: Ugh... Papercraft: Maybe? 3D-puzzles count, right? In that case: Already doing it, though I've taken a... bit of a pause from that. Reason: lack of time management. Clay sculpting: Physical task; can't be done. Photography: I'd love to. Two problems here, though: Number one is that there's nothing to photograph and number two is that I know nothing about photography. Programming: Unless we're talking about payloads of really old DOS viruses I don't see how programming involves any creativity.
  7. That was a joke... Lyrically I'm even worse than drawing. Somehow.
  8. Semi-depressed about my inability to draw... again. I lost count. I should just stop thinking about it. (Turns out to be very difficult when you have quite a strong imagination and no way to convey it) Maybe I'll try poetry. That will certainly, certainly work out so much better. ...Or is there anything else that I missed? I don't like "physical" tasks like working with wood - mostly because I have the same problem; I simply can't do that. The same applies to 3D-modelling, by the way. I need something that I can satisfy my poor self with. Constant negativity is not healthy, as it turns out.
  9. The SpaceX livestream just started, after one hour of having the window open. Suddenly my dad comes in and thinks that now is the appropriate time to replace our router.
  10. I'd like to see a cartoon of Elon Musk and the press standing in front of an almost finished BFR, with Elon mentioning yet another upcoming major redesign of it. I'd do it myself... if I could. And I can't, so it'll probably just remain an idea.
  11. While it is not related to Arduinos specifically, it is programming and especially C related. I'm currently looking at Microsoft Visual Studio as an IDE. Does anyone know what exactly I'm allowed to do with the Community Edition? I shouldn't have to worry about it and I'm aware of that, it's my use only, but I'd still be interested in knowing.
  12. Delay


    Someone please make a website where you enter a (prime) number and it gives you a random picture with that number and ONLY that number in it. Please.
  13. Principia, for adding n-body physics, which makes the game far more complex, yet also more interesting. Playing around with reference frames can be a lot of fun.
  14. Some more Planet Coaster. I've now discovered it as a very calm and soothing game - if you come home from a stressful day, Planet Coaster is a fantastic option. ...Except for staff, which I don't quite get yet. For some reason everyone's... uhh... slightlyTM unhappy with inspecting and repairing the rides I build. To the point at which they want to quit and I'm just sitting there, asking myself what I could do.
  15. It's one single character that I get by applying an index to a string. This one character should be added to the end of another string.
  16. (those are unintentional, the compiler nicely tells me they're missing). 5 minute replica. Didn't overly care about syntax correctness.
  17. I asked my teacher if the solution of his would leak. As already mentioned, the response was unintelligible. So why not ask here? char Text_to_add_to[] = ""; //ignore the fact that this line would very quickly run into unallocated areas in memory. char Characters[] = "some arrangement of characters"; int index = 0; // inside the switch which uses the line in question. case 2: char temp[] = " "; //couldn't I change this to "char temp[2] = " "? One byte for the space and one byte for \0. temp[0] = Characters[index]; strcat(Text_to_add_to, temp); break; "temp[0] = ..." is the line in question. This, upon a space (case 2) being entered (and thus a character needs to be added), constantly changes to supply the correct character for strcat() to add. Apparently this does work just fine; no errors while compiling. However, I might just be overapplying the "pointer to char array gets lost -> memory leak"-rule. I always tend to assume the worst possible case. That's why I want to ask whether or not this would/wouldn't leak and why. Though it probably wouldn't matter that much anyways, it's one byte at a time.
  18. "api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll". If I understood correctly l2-1-0 is the current dll it should use, but it doesn't.
  19. Okay, so I figured out why the steam browser doesn't work anymore. Basically SteamWebHelper.exe is looking for a dll file which doesn't exist anymore. Consequently it doesn't start. Next question: How do I get it working?
  20. @Fraston You know it's good when even the thumbnail has compression problems.
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