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Mr. Peabody

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Everything posted by Mr. Peabody

  1. This has been done quite a few times already. It's known as launchpad rocket construction. As for Caveman-based challenges, I'm not a fan of them. Heavens, the rest of you have been busy while I was away.
  2. Installment #2 (in spoiler) "Conquered Crater" Lefty's Log: Most of today was spent threading our way through a narrow pass out of the Mun's north-west crater. Terrain was mixed, some areas being significantly smoother than others. Exceptional progress was made with over 50 Km driven. Our attention must now be turned to the dangerous polar region as we begin to approach northern latitudes. Today's driving music has a deep theme behind it. The song is called "Le Reve Passe," which translated means "The Dream Passes." It's symbolic of the fact that what I failed to accomplish on Ike is now being done on a much larger scale on the Mun. Strictly speaking it is a French military song, but the tune is great. (music in spoiler)
  3. Don't worry. I don't disqualify users attempting NCD for such trivial infractions. You're good. Just to clarify, page 2 of the difficulty settings should be the same as hard.
  4. @Vanamonde, What is this user: @Noah Masur I've not seen any red titles until now.
  5. No idea. On a low gravity world the "safe" driving speed is greatly diminished. Installment #1 The start point was inside of a crater, which was good because it was relatively level, but also bad because the rover had to scale a fairly steep incline. Scaling said incline... I thought this was interesting. The terrain is heavily streaked/striated with parallel lines. It reminds me of cheesecake for some reason. It's a little hard to see, but for some reason the inside of craters appear white or light colored in contrast with the surrounding landscape. It may be that they reflect light in a different way or they just might be colored differently. Another screenshot illustrating the above observation. Lefty's Log: Excellent progress was made today through the Mun's north-west crater. Driving was fairly smooth with no major surprises. We should be completely out of the north-west crater by the next installment. Total distance driven was 80 Km. (Waypoints are spaced 40 Km apart.)
  6. Here here. As long as it lasted a realistic amount of time (10 years or so) that would be a great idea.
  7. Beyond the Horizon - Stock Mun Polar Circumnavigation This is the chronicle of my stock Mun Polar elcana circumnavigation attempt. Yep, I said polar circumnavigation attempt. Those of you who have been to the munar poles may recall the wicked terrain in the polar areas. Fortunately, I have the best rover anyone could ever want and I have attempted a circumnavigation of Ike before, so I'm not entirely new to the challenge. (In case you are wondering a computer crash wiped my save file effectively ending my attempt.) But this time I have the power of backup. I also have a brand-new rocket and lander to break in. For those of you who are wondering what exactly I'll be doing in this thread, I will be attempting to drive completely around the Mun dodging craters and mountains and safely return to my start point which will be marked by a flag. I will be using kerbnet waypoints to keep track of my progress. I will do my best to bring you documentation of the Mun's weirdest and most beautiful geography. A screenshot is worth a thousand words so without further adue, let the circumnavigation begin! P.S. I will also be sharing my favorite driving music with each installment. (Launch and rover delivery details in spoiler.) Go to Latest Installment ->
  8. Banned for strangely annoying avatar.
  9. This thread is more malignant than the lernaean hydra.
  10. Disrespectful avatar.

    1. razark



      (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.


    2. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      You are in dire distress?

  12. The game has an auto-delete feature if the pilot leaves the physics range of the craft. It's to help the game handle massive booster staging, 'cause rockets. There is a mod to adjust this default setting. See @linuxgurugamer's post.
  13. Redshell got removed in 1.5.1. Unity analytics is still there though.
  14. Pretty much what @IncongruousGoat said, select default "hard" settings then manually adjust the following: 120% re-entry heating, 10% resource abundance, Zero starting funds & science points, -1,000 start reputation, 10% science rewards, reputation rewards, & funds rewards, 1,000% funds and reputation penalties, decline penalty of 10. That said, I do not recommend that anyone new to the challenge try Nano-diamond difficulty level for their first entry. It is insanely hard. You will be overwhelmed and utterly frustrated. It would be much better for you to try an easier level for your first entry, such as Apatite or Vanadium level.
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