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Mr. Peabody

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Everything posted by Mr. Peabody

  1. This is @The Dunatian, and I approve this mission.
  2. I actually had too much fuel left and had to burn it off prior to re-entry. As for the fuel pod, I thought you might want to see that so I took a screenshot. The aesthetics for the pod have changed with the 1.4.x updates. Regarding the other challenges, I have a few questions. 1. For STS-2A how is it possible to have a 350+ Km geostationary orbit when the exact altitude needed for a geostationary orbit is 2,863.33 Km? 2. Are commander badges also mission dependent? For example, can I earn the pilot badge on STS-2 and still earn the commander badge on STS-3?
  3. STS-1B "I can lift" Its got a name now. The Solaire Shuttle on the pad. Liftoff! Gravity turn. Booster separation/Circularization Circularization Raising orbit First stage separation Second stage separation (later in flight) Fine-tuning orbit (final apoapsis shown) Fine-tuning orbit (final periapsis shown) Final orbital tolerance: 10 meters. Payload away! Re-entry (after orbit lowering) Approach to the KSC Landed on the runway. I think I'm getting the hang of this.
  4. @michal.don, the shuttle is 100% stock. I thoroughly enjoyed this challenge and if all goes well hope to complete more missions. I've got sick day today so we'll see what we can do.
  5. Today, for the first time, I landed an orbiter on the KSC runway from space. O.K. so maybe not a perfect landing. I ran out of runway. But seeing as it was getting late I really didn't want to revert to a quicksave. Besides, they say their on the runway...
  6. I use marches by J.P. Sousa or Tchaikovsky.
  7. Who cares about sand storms when you can sit in a sand-proof rover and eat mashed bananas. We all like mashed bananas, right?
  8. @Muetdhiver, most impressive! I wasn't even aware Duna was a plausible target with reliant tech. Keep up the good work!
  9. I remember when russia had a infinitely ranged nuclear powered bomber.
  10. Someone needs to make a extension to add brass instruments.
  11. These nasty little guys have killed horses.
  12. *facepalm* After tier 4 tech nodes cost many more science points, so that really balances out well. The game is not too easy. You do have to work hard with a good strategy to obtain the needed science points. I'm just saying that any player with a reasonable amount of career experience should knock out tier 4 in under a week. I have done so in only 5 total flights. (#1 sub-orbital, #2 HKO, KSC biome farming, #4 Mun flyby, #5 Minmus flyby or landing)
  13. Big deal. This is really splitting hairs. Everything up to tier 4 is unlocked very quickly, as all cavemen can testify to. I've never had any problems because of the tech tree order.
  14. I see you haven't played career mode much. Usually aviation and unmanned tech is unlocked within the first week.
  15. I've heard it is possible to move craft files from older versions (in my case 1.4.1) to newer versions. (1.4.3) How does one go about doing that? Can I simply cut and paste the craft files into the newer version save, or is it more complicated?
  16. I agree with you that "fog of science" would be great. So would better strategies. The tech tree is fine how it is though. Players can unlock aviation and unmanned nodes fairly early on.
  17. That's great! I'm glad to hear you're having fun. However... Rule #1: Stock career mode The above mentioned mods definitely change gameplay significantly, so no credit for your modded run. If you would like to try the challenge on a stock install I'd be happy to add you to the cave wall.
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