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Everything posted by Andetch

  1. And here is what happens when you try and go into a loop from 250 metres alt. Quite impressed that the airframe was able to still have some degree of control despite spinning out and facing near prograde/retrograde! Also, timewarp = BAD, however again the airframe is a great little glider, but you gotta be careful not to be too cocky with keeping the nose up as she will literally fall from the sky..... and even when the remains of the engine are sticking out of the front at a funny angle after the timewarp, and it hits the ground causing the airframe to bounce.... Well, the kerbal inside even survived that! So whether or not it looks 100% I would say this is a bloody good airframe! It does the Supermarine company very proud, and I was thinking that maybe it looks more similar to a Seafire or Spiteful with the slightly different wing shape - and yes these now litter my space centre....... Once again, nice job!
  2. But even without electricity you should be able to move the part in sph, no? Like when you right click a part in sph you can see the part function, say opening a cargo bay door or extending a ladder etc. And then in flight same thing........ Also, is 5x 1k batteries enough for a single move or do they take insane amounts of power? I admit I didn't study the part description to work out how much is needed, I just worked on my standard assumption that 5K - 10K charge is enough for most ksp things.... Reason I haven't pictured a craft is mainly because my initial attempts to check part function have failed. As in a golden control core, a ton of batteries, an aerial, a bit of structural fusalage, a hinge from this, then another bit of fusalage - all held up on a single launch stability assist tower. I can check the craft functions with a known working action part like a thermometer sending science data, but the hinge won't move or even display any action when I right click on it. I am sure it is something really stupidly simple, like is there a control module or something for the parts that you need....... Or they control in a different manner to that I am accustomed to.... I just don't know. I've even pulled my career save out of the ksp folder, deleted and reinstalled ksp, re-modded it following the guide (which I know off by heart now anyway), started a new sandbox game and it still won't do anything!
  3. I know there is an inherent risk to using this sort of tech on career - however I don't have a developed sandbox game and I do like to see if/how I can get these new craft doing something in my fleet..... Although, again after have re-read what I just typed I can see the massive flaw in that I was trying to fly a Spitfire replica that clearly is not capable of leaving Kerbin unaided and also clearly has no application in career mode other than looking pretty - a job it does very well. Especially how the tail sticks out of the water when you crash short of the runway and don't recover it!
  4. Meh.... Me such an idiot. I was playing on career mode and there was still one science to unlock. Me do a silly.... hahaha Now I've double checked instructions time to fly/crash repeatedly.
  5. Probably not..... I know how to make things fly usually in KSP and am fairly pleased with some of my designs, but I am finding more features daily. It is more complex than it seems on the surface.... Any way I try I can't get movement other than by hitting the part on the ground so it falls off - but that isn't the sort of movement we want......right?
  6. Duh! More reading lessons methinks..... Of course it clearly says that about the engine! Haha Sadly, my memory isn't sharp enough to remember the exact part name to type it here without writing it down, meh.... But I will research what you have said... and when I finally get my engine running I will let you know....
  7. Ok, so I admit defeat.... I have read the above pages etc. and I still can't get any of the parts to do anything! They're all there in the VAB/SPH and can attach to stuff, have stuff attached to them etc, but I cant assign any action, o get any movement in the vab or on pad. Could anyone point out my obvious dumb mistake, i'd be really pleased! Thanks
  8. It is possible there is something in the parts.... I think it is definitely in the engine, possibly something used to keep it all aligned. I still can't quite get my engines to work, they always end up smashing themselves to bits. So I research and possibly install these mods so I can get a fly (and also reverse-engineer your engine - I like the look of this engine's size and simplicity.
  9. How does it fly? Is that an engine poking out of the base or have you found a way to generate life from spinning?
  10. After updating my KSP I still have invalid parts on this plane. Something about some thermostatic part. I am really trying to get an electric prop engine working, I just can't seem to get my head around the spinny thing. Also Azimech's comments are definitely valid, but I think we shouldn't be too harsh. The looks are pretty much there Although the shape is a bit crossed between Hurricane and Spitfire I think...
  11. Hmmm, is it latest version? Lemme check my stuff.. Yeah, my bad. Update my version then try again
  12. Who knows other than the crew eh.... What I do know is balancing a ride along design is hard. I will experiment with the original design, but with a few boosters on top to counter the nose up.... maybe? Is ksp so we shall see!
  13. Great advise guys, and thanks! @Raptor9 has pretty much a) confirmed what I already thought and then b) in the second post put the list of actions I have been following developing this vehicle with one minor change - the payload is minimal and fixed. The end use is a massive spaceplane type thing for ferrying tourists en-masse. @eloquentJane I haven't been using any SRB on it, other than sometimes a Flea to stop the nose dropping too fast after launch! And no, the top section doesn't fly so well, but it can nosedive into the ground and the passenger compartment always survives the impact. Cockpit doesn't ever survive though, so make sure there is a seat in the back for Jeb! Haha Thanks for the advice, I will get this to fly and then add it here In re-reading Raptor's comments it makes me think.... The US Shuttle always rolled over on launch, no? I wonder if this is to do with the mass moving etc?
  14. I have been trying to build a big bird like some pictured. Mk3 body, a PTSO design, carrying a large fuel tank and extra engine underneath, much like a lot pictured here. I am running into an annoying issue, in that she launches fine, performs her initial turn and once she gets moving (250 - 300 m/s) she will hold a 45 degree climb angle fine, reducing it to around 30 degrees after 12,000 altitude, but as the under tank gets near empty and the altitude is around 22,000 she will nose up severely under throttle, but you can reduce power to guide her to around 30,000 where she becomes uncontrollable. It isn't pictured, because I have been trying so many different combinations of wings, thrust, reaction wheels etc. all to no effect. Anyone have any ideas of what causes a shuttle to nose up aggressively in the upper atmosphere? I ask here because so many of these designs are so similar to mine, I feel someone here will know! Maybe even you had the same issue?
  15. That must have taken ages. Still not sure how you get parts to move like the wings of the lifts to put planes onto the flight decks.... Also, if this truly is the Kuznetsov... Shouldn't she bellow out a whole lot more smoke? Hehe Fantastic build. I want one.
  16. So I have been working on some ICBM designs. Can't seem to find anything relevant to it yet. I know there are not explosives in KSP, but I am sure some people can make them, but I have been using a xenon tank or such to represent the payload. They're fun to teach them kerbals from the other side of the planet a good lesson! Anyway, I give you my Hugyen Dong 3000, capable of hitting pretty much anywhere with limited accuracy, complete with decoys. I deployed the covers so you can see the payload. Anyone else been experimenting with ICBM's?
  17. In game I believe the easy screenshot button is F1. Using print screen can crash the game. The upload to imigur (for free) and post! Let us maybe see if a joint effort can get this thing into LKO!!
  18. I also made an un-flippable rover, but I never managed to get it landed onto Mun/Minimus, the landing procedure is still being finalized. I also made a way of taking x4 single person runabouts into LKO.
  19. Based on my concept design for a mobile ICMB. On the mobile ICMB the missile will be a)smaller, b) concealed inside fairing until launch, c) unmanned. However this vehicle represents an idiotically dangerous way to travel to LKO, complete with batteries on the outside to explode during ascent! The strange roll angle is because you always loose control surfaces on launch, just because it adds to the fun! Hope this is weird/crazy/dangerous enough for you. I specialize in creating dangerous vehicles.
  20. I have developed and tested my new SSTO1 in Career mode, normal difficulty. This SSTO is designed to be used with Lvl 1 Hangar and Runway because, why not? Set myself a challenge. Please note that due to weight restrictions I have had to drain out the LF tank to hold only 160. Currently as I do not use mods I am ditching into the sea on landing, but I feel a KSC landing is possible but going to be very difficult in a glider with no drogue chutes. I think this plane with be modified to meet the LKO Station at 75km. Full Gallery:
  21. Yeah, can chuck a few more chutes on the SRB stage, and even given deductions from landing the SRB's in Korea I think she is still pretty good. I am now working on the fabled 100T payload. I will get back to you all And apologies about my confusion, in the mission I was getting some of the finer wordings from the brief muddled up. I was pleasantly surprised when I first looked at the cost of recovering stuff from Korea so I guess she should be good. I won't be doing this tonight though, but I will relaunch and obtain the correct numbers.
  22. Okay, so I got this..... PTSO design. Lifted 75.9T into an orbit far too elliptical, should have packed in more weight. Cost at launch was 174,000, including payload. Payload costs 18,369. Assuming full recovery of both stages, possible (and allowed under the rules?) the cost of fuelling the mission is 21,031. 21,031 divided by 75.9 = 277.08 kerbal bucks per ton into orbit. Right? Okay, I crashed the SRB stage a bit, because I forgot to set it retrograde while out of the atmosphere. I landed the upper stage 80KM from KSC. I fly by hand, stock install. I personally think that I should try and stick an extra 10 -20 T on it to improve the handling during the grav turn. Ship FIle: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxP5XMEnEjPibTdOT1h5VXRaTXM
  23. Today I brought some tourists back from Duna system, meanwhile I also discovered I can't land on Eve. Sort of..... I missed a waypoint and now one tourist ship needs to spend the next 5 years orbiting Kerbol before it gets another shot at landing. Serves me right for flying 4 ships around without quicksaving!!!
  24. I see what you mean....I think the main challenge in KSP is to have a re-usable system in place, so that ships go up to your chosen refuel spot, go out to whatever planetary system, and return - or not as the case is for labs, just keep refuelling and moving. So that way you're only launching one small ship at a time that can meet whatever landers and refuelling rigs as needed. So not really workable as a challenge thread I am glad the design is fascinating I am sure she could put weight equal to or greater than the upper stage into LKO.
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