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  1. Hi at all. I got the Problem that i cant connect the flexotube. i asume it is because of the kas. i already tried to downgrade but the problem still appears. anyone an idea?
  2. Is there any possibility to make the old pipes work again? because it seems that flexitubes, the ground experiment mod etc. also have link-parts that are not work anymore.
  3. nevermind. i found out that the connectors are no longer cappable of connecting on their own... sad... there goes one of the best mods ever...
  4. I just installed the game freshly new. installed kas with ckan. problem still there. could you pls tell who the logs are located?
  5. Hi at all. I got the problem that i cant link any of the connectors to another one. i only get the "dissassemble part" button. pls help.
  6. i completly love this mod. it fits exactly in this slightly future shuttle style. is it allowed to ask if raster prop will be included some day?
  7. hi kerbonauts. i have a little problem. only the rear part of my airship generates uplift. the front always goes down. what do i wrong?
  8. so everything works fine now. great mod. i like the details. thanks for your patience...
  9. i installed everything new. i will response to that if the problem still exist. ps. my english is not very good so i apologize for that.
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