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Everything posted by TDplay

  1. Anyway, for those of us who have no idea how to setup resource distribution, I present: The Logistics Rover! (Craft file, pics and info in the spoiler, I don't want to clutter this thread up) Can't wait to deploy it at my Kolony! Now to ship in a kontainer of Specialised Parts for EL. I could do with more powerful Skycranes.
  2. I'm having an issue with the Karibou rover, it seems to like flipping. And going boom.
  3. I believe the workshop's auto-maintenance works within logistics range (150m I think), and so it should from a design standpoint - I can move most resources 150m, why should Machinery, Uranium and Depleted Uranium be any different? Put a saddle tank and a redipak on your logistic module, one for LFO and the other for MKs, that will give your logistic module the supplies it needs to make TCs.
  4. Well, that's pretty much what happens if you stick said engineer inside a workshop - he/she will perform maintenance on nearby parts once per Kerbin day, this includes restocking Machinery, EnrichedUranium and removing DepletedUranium.
  5. For some reason, when I try to put a craft into a DIY kit, it isn't doing anything. It's really annoying because I really need to put a rover in one. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9peoec3dz58vqc/log.zip?dl=0 I'm using what @RoverDude bundles with MKS' 1.4 version, if that helps. I'll wait for an official GC 1.4 to drop (I really don't care how long it takes, or if it even comes out, your life is way more important than my KSP, take as long as you like, and besides, I can always drop to 1.3.1) and in the meantime I'll just use EL, it seems to work in 1.4. It'll be annoying getting SpecialisedParts around rather that DIY kits though,
  6. For some reason, when I try to put a craft into a DIY kit, it isn't doing anything. It's really annoying because I really need to put a rover in one. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9peoec3dz58vqc/log.zip?dl=0
  7. You can't drain from other sources because Machinery is programmed to be part-specific, meaning you cannot transfer it or use it from a Kontainer. The idea behind it is that Machinery in a Kontainer represents parts to repair your devices and Machinery in a device represents its durability, As it gets more wear&tear, the internal machinery gets damaged and slows up and needs maintenance, either by an EVA engineer or an engineer in a workshop. A module will not automagically draw machinery into itself and self-repair, as that would be unrealistic. The daily maintenance on the workshop should be enough to keep your Agriculture Modules running at a good speed, 1 day's wear&tear won't affect production too much. Just keep an engineer in a workshop nearby and you'll be fine. To be on the safe side, you can just produce surplus Supplies and hook your Agriculture Modules via Kerbitrail into an anchor hub with some Redi-Paks.
  8. As far as I can tell. However, your mining rig MUST have a planetary-logistics enabled module, but not a pilot. I myself have an issue - I find the Kontainers a bit annoying, due to the fact that you have to go through all FS options. Could we have a system where you can open a menu and select the resource you want, similar to how Angel-125 has their containers set up?
  9. Thanks! Goodbye, spaghetti rockets that invite the Kraken for tea and tear themselves to shreds!
  10. I have a question about Orbital Logistics, can I use them to transfer resources from, say, my Mun base to my Kerbin station? As they were being developed, there were talks of inter-planetary auto-shipments, such as mining on Minmus and sending across the system.
  11. Hi and sorry to bother you but I've run into an issue. For some reason, only the MEU-100 and 100A drills is showing up, the other drills are not for some reason. I've installed MKS via the latest version of USI Constellation (2018.03.11.01) on KSP 1.4.1 (AVC complained about incompatibility when I put it on 1.3.1) and I've tried manually updating USITools (which fixed Kolonisation tab not showing issue I was having) and CCK.
  12. My patch doesn't change the stock one, it creates a copy then changes its model. (the + tells MM to copy)
  13. you probably didn't install KIS, I did that once with Pathfinder, was thinking "hang on a sec, why can't I turn this into a workshop?" when I had my test craft out. oh I see you said you had KIS in it sorry
  14. ...Time for an MM patch! +PART[mk1pod] { //change name, manufacturer and description @name = wbimk1pod @manufacturer = Wild Blue Industries @title = Korona Command Pod @description = Public uproar over the Mk1 pod being the wrong size on top led us to remodel the Mk1 Command Pod. We're thinking about putting some probe parts in it and making a supply capsule too. //change model !mesh MODEL { model = WildBlueIndustries/MOLE/Assets/Korona } //change nodes @node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3995095, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.51, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 } Feel free to include it in the next release of MOLE (but obviously change the IVA to fit properly). You don't need to ask, it is 99% your work after all. EDIT: Don't use it in its current state though, it's currently pretty much a Mk1 pod with a buried top node. Got it working, updated post.
  15. Think I might try the Conestoga next colony. Cool that you thought of a way to get started without the need for Kerbals and/or KAS. As for the other base dwellings - like the "Sandcastle", what will they be? Like bigger, more powerful versions of the inflatables, or something entirely different? Will I be able to scap my permanent dwellings with my engineer, if I'm willing to print another and then re-inflate it? Top secret mod, hm? Well, we've had bases, medium parts, XL parts, rovers, airships, komets, part failures... Is it, by any chance, probe or spaceplane parts ?
  16. Thought I'd share a few beautiful shots of my space station in its ~750km orbit of Kerbin. Crew have been aboard once, but aren't currently aboard. The tug module features an MPU for extended-duration undocking (but why would you be undocked for longer than the batteries last, anyway?). Also, next time you update MOLE, can you include a Mk1 variant in which the top node is actually .625 m? It's kinda bugging me that Mk1's top is the wrong size (it isn't quite the same size as the .625m parts such as the RCS/torque/chute module).
  17. These graphics... I love them to bits! Here's my Space Station's first module with a few of your visual mods on, note the realistic sun and Kerbin that doesn't look like plastic: Those parts come from Mark One Laboratory Extensions, which mainly adds 1.875m parts, most of which are for stations:
  18. Are there any weldable size 2 ports? (besides HexPort but that aesthetically displeases me when on a circular stack)
  19. I accidentally loaded this mod without KIS/KAS . The mod works, but if you want to play without them then good luck getting the modules onto your base, good luck moving Buckboards, good luck bolting the place down to not tempt the Kraken, and good luck taking advantage of the JetWing and ESP. It'd be an interesting challenge to play this without KAS. Anyway, I'm interested in how the name "Pathfinder" came to be. Does it stem from how you find your way across the planet to find a nice place to settle, or something else entirely?
  20. Gosh, that caught me off guard. I was just coming in really careful on a bit of debris I planned to deorbit (launching Kerminis made quite some empty Skipper stages and I want to dekesslerise "legitimately", not with some space laser) and the forum gave me a message. Anyway, even more proof of Kanadarm! Coming soon to a KOL (Kermanned Orbiting Laboratory) near you. I think a Kanadarm (what's the kool arm's actual name?) would be cool to put on my next Debris-B-Gone, it'd be cool to watch the arm extend into the debris I want rid of.
  21. Bung it in a cargo re-entry pod. Land it near your space program's buildings. Sell and profit. Or because you can use them for wiring
  22. Well I hope it works anyway. I've no doubts about the "add this to stuff" one, but I'm only "very sure" that the patch will work.
  23. Note to self: Recreate this in KSP by using unmannned rovers and mods such as Pathfinder (for the Buffalo rover) and EL (for the cool way of constructing on the Mun or in orbit around said Mun)
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