A lot of people knows what is the Jool 5 challenge. I've know. Land on all the five moons and return to Kerbin but if you're starting KSP and you at least pro for dock and land on Mun and Minmus why not land on the two moons of Kerbin and get back to Kerbin?
Dificulty ranges:
Easy: Refuel allowed, Hyperedit allowed, all sizes allowed and no maximum weight allowed.
Normal: No Hyperedit, all sizes allowed, refuel allowed max weight 60 tons.
Difficult: No Hyperedit, max size 3.75 meters, no refuel and max weight is 40 tons.
LEGEND: Max size 1.25 meters, no refuel, max weight 20 tons only, no IRSU and no docking .
The Ultimate!: Maz size 0.625, no refuel, max weight 5 tons only, no IRSU and no docking No Hyperedit Obviously...
Stock mode!: ANY mod is not allowed even MechJeb or Kerbal engineer. let's say that is a Ultimate mode with pure stock KSP!
The Clock mode!: It's easy because all sizes are allowed, also Kerbal Engineer or MechJeb BUT! You need to complete this mission on 20 Days!
I've do it at the difficult mode. Can you complete the LEGEND mode or a very difficult mode?? Put below in comments
Lot of thanks to TheGamerAlchemist who maked the challenge on YouTube! :
Also thanks to Agencia Espacial Kanada - Kanadian Space Agency...! :
And I forgot to share this thanks to Teil Teilnehmer! Who was the first to put it on Youtube !: