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Everything posted by Sebra

  1. Hi, @linuxgurugamer ! 1.This mod cannot remember "Use Stock Toolbar" setting. Always set it. I suppose you work on it. 2. I cannot use it. Alt key always set as control. Is it broken or I'm forgot how to? 3. How many mods still await your precious attention? I ask because 1.4.3. on the horizon. Thanks for all your hard work!
  2. Thanks. that "eventually" was quick. But if was fixed in the VAB only. The same table on the LaunchPad show the same error. Was that table described anywhere? p.s. Found this:
  3. @Teilnehmer, It is not logical. And tests show strange results: 1. Mindless test construction like your do not change state in both VAB default settings. 2.Dynawing open/close landing gear, based on VAB default settings. Ship settings was grey in all cases.
  4. А как насчёт возможности НЕ переключать что-то на старте? Конкретно хочу, чтобы шасси не выпускались и не убирались, а остались, как смонтированы.
  5. Thanks, @linuxgurugamer I do not know, how KeySets work, but think it has at least two bugs: https://imgur.com/a/JoR1U Hope it will be easy to fix eventually.
  6. Hi! I attempted to see Dynawing's actions settings by AGX and found: 1.AGX do not see actions if ship was not started from VAB/SPH. Actions work but AGX do not see it. 2.If ship was in VAB/SPH AGX can see actions, just with empty descriptions. So can you please make AGX read actions settings when no VAB/SPH used? Started from Launchpad, Runway and especially Scenario. Can you teach AGX to substitute empty action description by the name of first action in the list? Thanks for your efforts!
  7. @diegojsrw, I've seen mesh clipping and do not like it. Using offset and rotation you can use two roof nodes of cabins and move one in desired position. What's problems? K&K Corridors can be used (as in my PS of previous post) but do not fit theme of this mod: Rover. Docking Module still the best corridor for rover.
  8. I used Docking module upside down without problem. Is it against your desire? (no offence) Unlimited in any direction. Lowest module is laboratory. One Docking Module per line per floor used. Still adding bottom node to Docking Module would be better. And hatches. And Interior. P.S. Instead of double post. @Nils277, is this visual artefacts known? Alternative solution:
  9. Hi, nothing to defend here 1.Suggested to use Docking Module instead of new part. 2.Suggested to use mod, which has exactly what he need.
  10. @diegojsrw, have you seen Docking Module, I suggested? Do you understand this is a Rover mod? Try KPBS mod. It's corridors are beautiful.
  11. So you want them to go through the roof/ceiling magically. Or through the outside?
  12. @diegojsrw So you want a hatch on roof and bottom of the Docking Module?
  13. Hi, @RoverDude The same thing trying to stand up. 1.4.1 and (1.4.2 and also) When I copied stowed stabilized in hangar, rotate it and placed on other side it's movement was wrong. Would you improve Servo Controller for better usability?
  14. There is another mod to use any language outside of KSP to control flight. This mod is for Kerbalish language inside of KSP. Try kRPC.
  15. @nvkz42 Попробуй старый костюм. Скорее всего проблема в этом.
  16. Отображение центров можно включать очками виртуальной реальности, а дла сдвига/поворота - инструменты типа молотка/лома. Но это всё только видимость. Спасибо за прекрасные моды.
  17. Здравствуйте, @IgorZ! В связи с локализацией KIS вопрос: Томик "Для Чайников" будет переводиться? И предложение: При попытке взять/положить/присоединить что-то в KAS хотелось бы видеть ограничивающие факторы. Например "Масса 0.3/1 т / Дальность 1/2 м". Желательно на месте курсора. Планируется ли появление аналога остальным инструментам сборки: Сдвиг, Вращение, Базовая часть, показ центров масс/тяги/аэродинамики ?
  18. Thanks for answers. As I see Kerbal can only "prepare to use" his parachute while in command seat. Even if in flight with some speed. Thanks for this mod btw.
  19. Hi! Can you enable deploying parachute in command seat? To easy this...
  20. That was my opinion only. I used [1.3.1] EVA Parachutes & Ejection Seats (with sound & multiple parachutes) May be linuxgurugamer would update it somehow. But KIS item parachute is more in scope of this beautiful mod. EDIT: [1.4] Custom Barn Kit 1.1.17 (March 10th) - Parachute Included Added " Add EVAChuteOnBuilding and unlockedEVAChute config in the ASTRONAUTS section to configure the level needed to unlock the Parachutes and if they are linked the the AstronautComplex " . So I'm not the only one, who think so.
  21. Yes. Third experience level Kerbonauts can use parachutes now. Even can repack it. Models is also changed. Would it interfere with KIS? Would it interfere with EVA refueler, placed in the same position on the backpack? In my opinion all Kerbonauts should get chute on third level of Complex building. Old round chute. And only experienced and properly levelled Kerbonauts should get modern Paraplanes like they have now. But that is my opinion only.
  22. Just a thought... Is it possible to untie Parachute from third level and tie it to KIS item?
  23. You mentioned exact reasons not to demand update from devs. So let be patient. From the other side _IF_ they have working already version on github or anywhere, they _CAN_ release no matter when next KSP version would be released. Reasons: 1. Why to wait if work is already done? 2. Changes can be so minor, kOS for 1.4 would by chance work for 1.4.1. Can they? 3. Do you think firda the only one impatient here? BTW great thanks to developers. You are the best!
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