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Everything posted by TheSpacePotato

  1. It'll be even harder when Kerbalism compatibility is implemented! (be careful in the Jool System, radiation is not the best thing for Kerbals)
  2. You can explore almost all the planets. The only one, according to my knowledge, that would be hard to maintain an orbit around is Vael (you need a LOT of radiators to not melt to death) All the other planets you can land on somewhere
  3. The contract in the screenshot says fly by Kerbol. Getting near Kerbol is a completely different story, as far as delta V goes. I learned that the hard way. I do have to say, however, that I have gotten a contract that says "enter the atmosphere of Kerbol" early on in the game, so it is a little bit weird. Just get into the SOI of Kerbol. That's all
  4. There is no land on Kerbol contract, sadly. However, it's about as easy to get to Kerbol as it is to the Mun, and Mun contracts do come up pretty quickly. The good thing is that the order of the contracts don't mess up career mode completely, so don't worry. Your carrer will still go on well.
  5. Because of the low gravity of The All, the best method would be aiming directly at the star system. This is very costly, however. A craft moving towards Nova Kirbani would need to be going at least 100,000 meters per second just to get there within a relatively reasonable amount of time, so long as you have something to do while your craft is in timewarp. If you want to get to a nearby star system within a couple years, it would require you to be travelling at least a million meters per second (still a fraction of the speed of light) pointed right at the star. My recommendation is either to install a mod that can achieve fast speeds (quite a few mods can achieve this) or put together a massive spacecraft. Another good tip is to take into consideration the fact that sometimes the encounters don't show up until you're near the system, even if it appears that you don't have an encounter. If the line passes over the system and your travel time is reasonable, then just quicksave and assume that you're going in the right direction.
  6. If you connect struts from the bottom tank to the engine, it'll stop moving ahead of everything
  7. If you really need to save RAM, I recommend not installing the visuals (except maybe DistantObject). The game will run much more smoothly that way.
  8. How fast were you moving to get enough flashing to cause a seizure? When I descended it slowly clipped onto the Mun's surface.
  9. For the Helium fuel, I assume you'd need CRP, which has become compatible for KSS.
  10. The phrase "going down with a bang" has never been more relevant.
  11. If you worked at NASA we wouldn't have these problems. We'll be at Proxima B in no time! INFINITE POWER!
  12. Eventually, Cassini will run out of power in its RTGs like the Voyager probes, and then it'll become not much more than space debris, creating a case of Kessler Syndrome
  13. It adds the GPP planets around a star called Kiro, an orange dwarf.
  14. The Alt-Scroll feature is a great way to get good screenshots. That's how he got some of those pictures with all the moons in a system
  15. Strange. I haven't seen anything remotely similar to that other than when I'm EVAing on The Creator
  16. Eve's atmosphere has a pressure of 98 Kerbin atmospheres. This is because Eve is the Venus analogue in KSS. In real life, someone landing on Venus would experience the same thing as you have. The atmosphere is so dense those things should happen as they would on Venus. That is supposed to add to the difficulty of landing and returning from Eve.
  17. Now I see what you mean. My knowledge on coding is still limited, but what you proposed sounds like it will work.
  18. I think StarCrusher wanted all the stars to orbit The All. That way it's more like a galaxy than everything orbiting Kerbol.
  19. You know what? I think I do know the cause of this glitch. I've seen it in other mod packs such as New Horizons, and I think it's a result of Kerbin being reparented. Kerbol in KSS is not the stock sun (The All is), and I remember seeing a bug in Kopernicus (I think) about this happening when Kerbin is reparented.
  20. Although I've never come across this problem, I believe it's been happening for at least since 0.5.
  21. Please refer to problem 4 on the front page: 4. The orbits of my vessels changed while using KSS. It has been recently solved, and should fix that issue.
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