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Everything posted by TheSpacePotato

  1. I don't know. As much as it could be, there is also evidence that they aren't Kerolon and Kelaris. Looking at the lens flares, all of them come from behind The All, meaning that Kerolon and Kelaris should be behind The All. It might just be a couple pixels from The All's atmosphere
  2. I did some testing and was still able to get to The Creator in 0.6. Here's a little evidence for those willing to see.
  3. You don't even need to be going at 30% the speed of light to get there quickly. A probe moving at a million m/s would be able to reach Nova Kirbani in no more than 2 years.
  4. For a budding space program you'd want to get as much science at a (relatively) small cost, I recommend Nova Kirbani (Kirb, Kelin, Kernim). It's a lot of bodies (28 I think) that are much closer to Kerbin that Kerolon. Kerolon is one of the farthest star systems from Kerbin, with far less bodies, so it would be more of a quest to take a bit later. But, Kerolon has a really cool star system, so it would be a good idea to head there later if you have access to an Alcubierre Drive.
  5. Fuel cells work, but they require liquid fuel to run, which may be an issue. Otherwise, it's go fast and hope that you don't run out of power when you get there. Quick tip #3: Solar panels aren't the best way to get power around Red dwarf and brown dwarf stars (Kernim, Kelnis, Kormin) unless you have a lot of solar panels. Pretty much every atmosphere-less body has that already
  6. The Creator has opened up a bit to visitors. Every now and then it'll take a vessel, however.
  7. That's the spirit! Quick tip: The Creator's gravity is higher than it looks. Attempt a landing at your own risk... Quick tip #2: Interstellar missions give a lot of science. I recommend the Kernim System
  8. The Creator is a mysterious celestial object near The All, made from an unknown source. All the Kerbals know about it is that it is not a natural object. In 0.6, StarCrusher removed focusing on The Creator in map mode for now, but you can still send a ship there to explore it.
  9. A full in-depth explanation of The All hasn't been worked out fully. The lore developers still have to work on that part, as even they don't fully know the whole history of The All. In a future update, however, you'll be able to track down the secrets and find the explanation yourself.
  10. I'd say that's up to StarCrusher. He's told me he wants the mod to be more complete when 0.6 was still developed. I would love to see Kottabos review this, and I think he would surely be impressed. But, I still think KSS could develop a bit more before it's review-ready. If I felt a review should happen now, I would've spammed Kottabos with recommendations already
  11. Press Alt+0, go to the clouds config settings and then set it so it says KSS/KSS-Clouds/KSS_Clouds_Settings, then press Apply and that should be fixed
  12. Do you have visuals installed? Usually that happens when visuals are installed. It's probably the eclipse feature. If you timewarp it'll brighten back up.
  13. There you go! Voon is the Saturn analogue in this mod
  14. That's because Pol has such a thin atmosphere, wings, parachutes, or anything that requires an atmosphere won't work. Also, intakes won't work because Pol doesn't have an oxygenated atmosphere. Yes, it's not an easy fix. But, it doesn't make a huge effect on gameplay.
  15. As a tester, I don't know when, exactly, 0.6 is going to be released. However, I can say that it would be possible for 0.6 to be released this weekend. The thing that's taking so long is getting other things finished and working, such as compatibility (and a few other surprises ) EDIT: A release date is planned. Get hyped.
  16. Sciencedefs take a long time to make. There's lots of biomes for bodies in the Kerbol System (once we get to bodies with less biomes it'll be faster). My guess is we work on bodies that are more easy to access in Career mode instead of working on bodies that take practically forever to be capable of reaching. The reason we had to focus on stock bodies is because of the fact that many of them have changed in KSS (Eve is no longer purple, Laythe is icy, Pol is now an Io analogue, etc) so we really had to change those first. We're almost done with stock bodies, anyways, and probably will be heading on to the Voon System afterwords. As for "why isn't this ready for 1.0" questions, according to StarCrusher, by the time 1.0 rolls around most of the features he has planned will probably be implemented (storyline, completed systems). As far as my understanding goes, 1.0 may be mostly bugfixes and added realism. I'm not much more than just the help, so what StarCrusher has planned is beyond my knowledge.
  17. 0.6 will have: - sciencedefs for Mun, Duna, Eve, Pol & Icy Laythe - science values for bodies - career-ready contracts - Kelnis System - Hetoo, Orph and Silne - Updated textures for planets - updated and improved clouds - bug fixes Overall, 0.6 is going to be the first career-ready update. Get those rockets prepped for this one!
  18. As a bunch of people said, it's better to have a bug-free mod released late than a glitchy mod to be released early. Something probably popped up in the game and he had to focus on that. Patience is rewarded with the best work.
  19. Looks cool, but there are already antennas implemented into the mod, some of which are able to reach much longer lengths. I will keep an eye out for this one, though!
  20. So I decided to start exploring more bodies in my missions, and I chose to explore Rix, the icy planet in the Kerolon System. I built a small lander, basically to see how well I could land. I thought Rix would be an easy landing; it looks flat from map view. Boy was I wrong. I landed on the side of one of Rix's dimples and tumbled uncontrollably for a few minutes. Fortunately, everything managed to survive the landing. Here's me realizing I may be screwed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B31rMiQFZ3kDVTZ6d1ZXajNRbTA/view?usp=sharing So here's my advice. Make sure you really know a planet before attempting a landing. It's what I really love about this mod! This concludes part 1 of my mission logs
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