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Everything posted by TheSpacePotato

  1. Think you found what might be an Easter Egg in KSS? Let us know! We added a post on the discussion tab for you to discuss this, and if you think you found something strange let us know! We'll confirm (or debunk) it! Sidenote: There actually are a few Easter Eggs in KSS, and more are planned to be added There's also a few challenges there if I haven't already said that enough
  2. 1. KSS Part 2 should be out within the next month. 2. With KSS, you usually need at least 8 gigs without visuals (12 with), so I assume it should be roughly the same if you use a few more mods, but if you're adding a lot of mods I'd say add more RAM 3. Compatibility with EVE/Scatterer is almost done. We're redesigning the clouds, so it'll take a bit longer.
  3. As of right now, the only stars that have planets are Kerbol, Kirb, Kelin, and Kernim. Other star systems will be added with Part 2.
  4. Make sure you're launching in 64 bit KSP. Regular KSP won't work with KSS
  5. Here's what you need for KSS to work properly: KSS (the basic is required, any of the other expansions are optional, but need to be installed along with the basic to work): Kopernicus (latest version of it): With both of these files installed into the GameData folder, along with the latest verion of KSP (1.3 or 1.3.1), everything should work normally
  6. We're also making it so you guys could also post whatever about KSS on there, like mission ideas, current missions, or just general talk about the mod. It should help to try to remove some of the clutter on this page
  7. Has anyone checked out this page yet? http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/d/f?sort=latest
  8. Korlon is planned to get a few bodies (you can find concepts in the Planned Features page) Posting a link to the errors on PasteBin would be helpful to prevent clutter on the pages Gas moons shouldn't be hard, it's just the code for a regular gas planet but it orbits a planet Aras isn't a moon, it's a replacement for Lyrne (which is being bumped into a different system), and no, it isn't based on you
  9. Right now, we're focusing on what's planned for 0.7 Part 2, which is almost ready. However, we do have plans for future updates, as seen on this page. Although not all of what's in the changelog is confirmed, you can expect to see at least some of it in 0.8.
  10. The Orbus Planet Overhaul is a planet pack based on a fictional solar system I envisioned when I was younger. It aims to consist of 13 planets and 23 moons (a lot, I know), all orbiting around a single (possibly blue) star named Orbus. *Please wait with reviews until I get this mod to where I want it reviewed* THE PLANETS Screenshots CHANGELOG: v0.2 - Added a bunch of new planets and moons - Did some retexturing, tweaking - Descriptions! Thanks to @Greatness101 - Fixed a bunch of bugs - Everything is for the most part playable v0.1 - Added Cronis - Added Winsor - Added Crys - Added Ocan - Added Dus - Added Dune - Added Gigantor - Added Minian - Added Pentum Download here! Planned Additions Special Thanks to: @StarCrusher96 - Inspiration and Kopernicus help @Greatness101 - Descriptions @Gyrfalcon5 - Sciencedefs Feel free to make suggestions, as this project is still heavily in-dev!
  11. It's strange how you said that, since a lot of stuff in Part 2 is in there, and there even are a few bodies for 0.8 hidden in the wiki too
  12. The screenshots we put on the wiki meet a strict set of requirements, most of which are not easy to achieve. Unfortunately, those screenshots didn't meet the requirements, so we can't really add those
  13. That would be a result of KerbinSide not being compatible with KSS. If you haven't noticed, Kerbin was retextured, so it makes sense that thr KSC is not on the ground.
  14. Yes. The Part 1 includes only planets seen in Nova Kirbani. When Part 2 rolls around, all the planets planned for 0.7 will be present (Kelnis System, Kerolon System, Tide)
  15. This is part of the upcoming lore for KSS for those who don't know, the part that isn't mentioned on the wiki
  16. KSS 0.7 is more modular, so you can easily install just the extended Kerbol System. Just download the first two files (the KSS_BASIC and Extended Kerbol System) and the visuals file and you should be good.
  17. Some notable links on the wiki I think you guys would enjoy of course there's a lot more that you could check out, but here's a taste of what you'll be seeing a lot of. http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Astronomical_Body_Classification_System http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Celestials_Designation_System http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Blalo http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Narath http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Taythe http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Kerolon_System http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Planned_Features And here's a discussion board where you can post challenges, ideas, or just chat about the game! I already posted a few challenges that some of you could try, so make sure to check those out! http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/d/f?sort=latest
  18. Well, part 1 of the release. We still have more stuff to release in 1-2 weeks, as evidenced here
  19. Part 2 is going to be split into the same downloads, but instead a separate download for optional star systems (Kormin, Kelnis, Kerolon, etc.). We made KSS more modular for 0.7
  20. OH YES! But seriously, that wiki took forever to put together, and I think it's safe to say all of us on the KSS Team are proud of it Make sure to take a good look at it too, because there are a few secrets in there that are waiting to be found!
  21. Maybe not 0.7, but definitely by KSS 1.0 A little bit of the storyline is going to be revealed in KSS 0.7, along with that surprise we keep mentioning, but nothing major
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