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Human Person

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Everything posted by Human Person

  1. 7/10 I'd love to be in dreamland more.
  2. It depends where you‘re going. Remember that inclination changes take less delta v at apoapsis? This also applies to interplanetary transfers (if they‘re off plane). The big difference: Is your destination closer or farther from the sun? If it is closer, you should try to correct as much inclination as possible with your Gael-exit. If it‘s farther from the sun, you don‘t need to worry about your initial inclination too much, as the correction of inclination can be done cheaply on the way or on arrival. Here‘s a trick to launch right into the perfect inclination: Have a dummy craft in a low equatorial orbit and use it to plot a transfer node. Now launch your craft into an orbit with the same inclination and Longitude of ascending node as the plotted trajectory of the dummy craft.
  3. Nice challenge, I already have some candidates in storage! Does the payload have to be inert or does the upper stage court as well? (E.g you can read that Saturn 5 had a payload to LEO of 140 t, but that wasn‘t an inert payload). Can we use Stage Recovery? Also: When can balloon tanks be used or should we stick to default tanks all the way? I know you can perform some cheaty trickery when using balloon tanks everywhere.
  4. Sounds familiar. Such rocket behavior comes from high aerodynamic stability combined with high Trust to weight. Don‘t worry about it too much, just try to be a little harder on the gravity tun initially.
  5. @dundun93 yes! it was pi btw. @dundun92
  6. my number is between sqrt(9.8) and sqrt(9.9)
  7. This is a really open task: build an attraction for a Kerbal amusement park! Keep it as stock as possible so you can share your creations.
  8. let me suggest a more efficient ascent profile that would work with your rocket. 1 as you did it 2 fly straight up at first (just the first few seconds of flight), do a little turn towards west, try to find a nice turning rate, so you hit the 45-degree mark at around 10km altitude. practise flying this arc so you can do it without deviating much from the prograde marker, set SAS to prograde 3 do the rest as you did before
  9. I guess the science return boost has something to do with the laboratory and its totally cheaty way of generating huge amounts of science. I usually don't use it as it's totally overpowered. You can unlock the entire techtree with just one or two Minmus landings. For normal missions, I use scientist as they are the only ones who can reset Goo canisters and material bays.
  10. Isn't the second a metric unit too, or does it exist in both systems with the exact same definition?
  11. Let me tell you, „everybody outside russia“ is missing out on that.
  12. No, that would likely reduce the specific impulse because the exhaust gases would have a much higher molar mass (18 instead of 2 g/mol assuming Hydrolox) edit: wait, you said afterburner, so you want more thrust, not more ISP. Ok, you might get more thrust
  13. @IncongruousGoat @PB666 @Pand5461 @mikegarrison That‘s all very interesting, thank you!
  14. Simple question: As we all know: exhaust velocity = specific impulse * g What‘s the point of the specific impulse as a Unit? Why would anyone prefer knowing the specific impulse of an engine over the exhaust velocity? In other words: why do we need to specify this Unit to Earths Force of gravity? Has anyone ever used something different than Earh’s or Kerbin‘s force of gravity to specify the impulse?
  15. @steuben @Pand5461 still doesn‘tmake sense to me. The mass cancels out, so you can use whatever unit you want for that and your delta v result will simply have the same unit as the one you used for the exhaust velocity. It‘s really simple. this bugs me out, I made a topic on its own for this.
  16. The technical answer is: determine the wet mass and the dry mass of the stage and plug them into the rocket equation. delta v = exhaust velocity * ln(wet mass / dry mass) for some reason I don‘t understand, everybody gives us the specific impulse instead of the exhaust velocity. To get the exhaust velocity, you have to multiply the specific impulse by 9.81 m/s^2 serioussly, what‘s the point of the specific impulse? It looks like such a nonsense unit to me, why not give us the exhaust velocity right away?
  17. this is my 2nd try, started a new save, build a new ship, landed on Eve but exploded on liftoff from Eve. Mun and Minmus Mun to Gilly Gilly to Eve The Disaster Points: Kerbol - 10 Eve - 20/20 Gilly - 20/10/10 Kerbin - 5 Mun - 10/20/10 Minmus - 10/20/10 add up to: 175
  18. I assumed this challenge is a one time only deal, or can I make another entry with a new craft? I‘m still obsessed with doing an Eve return.
  19. Granted, now everybody talks about nothing but Homestuck! I wish for Granit.
  20. Mostly tap water, occasionally beer. I don‘t drink coffee or tee.
  21. granted, It rolls you over. I wish for a pleasant surprise.
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