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Human Person

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Everything posted by Human Person

  1. As you can see here, the thread „Dumb Things Found On The Internet“ has been close for good reason. However, I sincerely believe we can do better with this thread and keep everything within the Guidelines instead of annoying the mods with inappropriate posts they have to remove and finally having them close the thread cause it became a lot of work to moderate (please tell me every little mistake I made in this scentense (no sarcasm)). Without further do: here’s something interesting that others might refer to as stupid or maybe even kerbal I found on the internet:
  2. Did you use the rigit or the extendable radiators? Keep in mind, that the rigit panels only cool parts nearby whereas the extendable panels can cool every part of the craft.
  3. Ehm. Hold ... my ... beer? Well anyways: see here how I made it to the first Orbit: https://imgur.com/a/qRjVM
  4. Why only Laythe? You could also use chemical Propulsion or Stock Propellers to fly around on Duna or Eve. I‘ve always wanted to build a Eve Glider that could fuel up with IRSU, lift off to get as high and fast as possible and then glide to a new location.
  5. Upload them on Imgur and insert the link imgur gives you here.
  6. I heard of a mod that does exactly what @5thHorseman said. It makes quicksaves automatically ever so often. @linuxgurugamer mentioned it in a stream, but I‘m not entirely sure. Could you help, @linuxgurugamer?
  7. You should be able to regain comms unless your antenna broke during aerobreaking or you forgot to redeploy it. If you want comms at all time, you need Commsats around Duna, but loosing communications while behind the Horizon is usually no big deal. Is the antenna strong enough for duna? What level is your Tracking station? Upgrades enhance the strength of your groundstations signifficantly. A comment around Kerbin will usually not help you with interplanetary missions because your Satelites (unless they have ridiculously many antennas) won’t be as strong as the grounstations, so any probe will connect to the groundstations directly.
  8. I usually aim for 8-10 Minutes in RSS. You can even go as low as 5 Minutes.
  9. Make sure to keep the Angle of Attack (wich is the deviation from the prograde vector) as small as possible, especially during the phase of high dynamic pressure and you will be fine.
  10. This is so useful!! I need this for my heavy Mars missions.
  11. This happens to me sometimes, when the ship is controlled from something pointing backwards. This can happen e.g. If your the probe you decouple does not contain the root part and your decoupler on it is pointing backwards. Simply right click on your pod/probecore amd click "comtrol from here"
  12. Granted. Now you have to do my work. I wich I always knew what to do.
  13. If you want to avoid this, you have to do stage sep in space. You could choose a very high trajectory, so the second stage can circularize before the first stage enters the atmosphere again. For stock KSP, I'd recommend building an SSTO Rocket without wings. Simply put some airbrakes and some parachutes on and build the stage with a little bit of extra delta v.
  14. What I consider cheating is using the Mobile processing lab to unlock the late techtree. You can literally use the data from 3 or 4 Minmus landings to unlock everything.
  15. That's a long modlist, but I have many of them in my Gallileo install. Count me in. Can I continue my career save for this? I already have Flags on Iota, Ceti and Niven. Forget that, it's about timing.
  16. I show the world to it with words and songs. The hill is all mine now.
  17. What did the two oceans say to each other? Nothing, they just waved.
  18. What will you play? Stock, Modded or RO maybe?
  19. That is still a very steep trajectory, wich is only needed for very low TWR rockets. Sound like a clipping problem. Maybe the mods you're using have issues with the colliders. I don't know what you're doing wrong in terms of delta v. My rockets need (dependent on their TWR) between 3500 and 3100 m/s of vacuum delta v to get to LKO. 3800 doesn't sound too bad, you just have to optimize your ascent a bit. For most rockets, it's best to go as shallow as possible.
  20. I just hadn't a fantastic dream about space, so I start this thread for people to share their space-related dreams! I was on an extraterrestrial colony. Everybody called it "The Moon", but it clearly wasn't our Moon. It had a very thin but oxygen rich atmosphere and lots of vegetation. I was doing experiments on how long a human could be outside of our domes, breathing the thin atmosphere and I was surprised on how well It worked. I actually felt the decompression (never had such a realistic dream). There wasn't enough oxygen to do lots of sports, but enough to go for a hike or swimming a bit. The others were surprised, they thought I'd go unconscious after a couple of minutes. They decompressed too and we all were very cheerfull. It was hard to get me back inside. After a long time outsides, I had some negative effects from the hypoxia. I got in a chamber to raise the pressure again and it was very uncomfortable. I was so used to the thin air that breathing such a thick atmosphere again felt weird.
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