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  1. If there is another assembled astrium porta anywhere else a new arbitrium part launched - just the part - has its waterfall effects activated. I don't think that's expected, but I should state that the blueshift version is from march. I haven't updated anything since i am still in. 1.11.xx. Is this something that was fixed later? should i be able to 'deactiivate' those effects? hack the waterfall configs? Anyway --- any help would be appreciated... I will try later versions just in case and hopefully they work for 1.11
  2. can you change settings mid game (not a fresh one) ? on a backup copy (1.11.2) of an active game i installed this and when adjusted the settings - e.g. disabling radiation or change the HP rate - it had no effect even after restart. The 'connected to home' for example shows 0 for kerbals in orbit with antenna's and all... so either this is not possible or i am missing something in the game play.
  3. This is probably covered, but IXS command has 4 seats but shows 5 in IVA - the extra being the commanders seat. If this is addressed can someone point me to the version that implemented a fix ?
  4. Very good mod as expected from WBI. I just don't understand this auto-circularization business, especially for the gates. I've seen it in freethinker's and rover dude's mods as well and i can't make heads or tails out of it. So you either come out preserving kerbol-centric (?) momentum or you let the mod calc an appropriate circular orbit. I get it better for 'warp' ships. I would have expected - or wished- this works similarly to ESDL beacons and you have better parts than they have ---- I mean come on --- those gates and effects in this mod are pretty f*** awesome. When using jump gates placed on a surface you would immediately wake up all sorts of kraken monsters when trying to calculate an orbit with auto-circularization - forget disabling that option. I mean i do understand the intent to make the process gravity well dependent but give it a ridiculous amount of this graviolum for surface-surface or space-surface transits. Is therer a technical barrier in preserving the relative momentum between a ship and the outbound dialing gate so the ship coming out the other side will have the same relative momentum with the remote gate. So many rich scenarios can be built this way--- hide anomalies on moon surfaces or planetary surfaces for example. So endgame Jeb wakes up at KSC, gets to driving super cool kerbin automobile to nearby gate and goes to ... idk --- Bob? to bring Valentina a some snacks for dinner...
  5. Ok .. but now, when updated to the latest version in github, i see these when loading a ship: WRN 13:55:48.597] [SystemHeat][Settings] not found, using default coolant [LOG 13:55:48.622] Packing Ninsun for orbit [LOG 13:55:48.839] Unpacking Ninsun ... then repeats I suspect that this constant packing and unpacking of a loaded ship is creating a gameplay issue---- ship is generally unresponsive to interaction (it's not that large .. less than 150 parts)
  6. The. log is inundated with messages as shown below for most the ships in the game... is this normal and does it cause a gameplay slowdown? [LOG 17:35:14.348] [SystemHeat][SystemHeatVessel]: Resetting Simulation for MK-88 Probe (unloaded) [LOG 17:35:14.348] [SystemHeat][SystemHeatSimulator]: Building heat loops from 0 ModuleSystemHeat modules [LOG 17:35:14.348] [SystemHeat][SystemHeatVessel]: Refreshing VesselData from Vessel event [LOG 17:35:14.348] [SystemHeat][SystemHeatVessel]: Resetting Simulation for SW4 Ship (unloaded) [LOG 17:35:14.348] [SystemHeat][SystemHeatSimulator]: Building heat loops from 0 ModuleSystemHeat modules
  7. @EnderKid2 you have ided the issue accurately. It is the second engine there. The take away is that the template-nfp-ion-gridded-xenon-1.cfg is called inside NearFuturePropulsionWaterfallXenon.cfg which sets properties of each of the engine that uses that template. Thanks again.
  8. thanks -- still confused so let me give you a specific example that will help me. understand ... The specific engine is one of yours in NearFuturePropulsion which has it's own WaterFall folder in Patches:NearFuturePropulsion/Patches/Waterfall/template-nfp-ion-gridded-xenon-1.cfg When the ship is loaded, the waterfall editor gives me values for the offsets shown in the inlined image below under templates. I want to edit those for the scale but I can't match them to anything in the template file above. What I see, are the values shown below (just an excerpt) -- which. don't match the values in the editor. I am certainly missing something... waterfall mod is the newest release... the. NFT maybe one subversion behind current... MODEL { path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder positionOffset = 0,0,-0.119999997 rotationOffset = -90,0,0 scaleOffset = 0.159999996,2,0.159999996
  9. Can I just modify the provided templates in the waterfall folder instead of creating new ones for each engine part? The only change I want is for Scale X in some engines ... I am not sure how to go about doing that...
  10. with those changes, both will show up (under the same name) or only the older one?
  11. What's the story with. the kerbstein engines? How long will the older versions (using UDD) will be supported (so games don't crash). I see Kerbstein and Kerbstein1 in the folder but only one (the newest one) shows up in the VAB. If I want the older style to show up in the VAB what do I do? (remove kerbstein1 folder?). Anyway to have both variants show up? (sorry too many questions) edit: feedback it was appealing having a single resource on the ship from where one can manufacture UDD (LqD). Now for fusion pellets you got to manufacture them elsewhere - with the need for an added supply of He3 - and refuel separately.
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