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Everything posted by ave369

  1. Neutron stars are known to have secondary planets formed out of supernova remnants. You might consider to add a planet to Wilco that isn't a captured body but a secondary planet, that would be intensely volcanic (because of all the heavy radioactives it contains) and conceal a high percentage of Uraninite, Blutonium, Precious Metals and other heavy element based resources.
  2. I would rather implement a different method of recovery. There is already a Hangar that can store your craft. One needs to add the SCRAP button to the Hangar which destroys the stored craft and remunerates its money cost and science content. But not directly to the player account but to the balance of local Business and Science buildings, and you have to recover money and science from them, you are also capped by those buildings' money and science caps. This will be both more fair and balanced, and less buggy.
  3. Yes, they do. Unmodded KSP flies on my PC. When I load up a lot of parts mods, EVE, Scatterer, Parallax and a planet pack or two, I get long load times, stuttering on load game and short freezes as I change SOI.
  4. When you plot a LKO to Minmus transfer or a return trajectory, Mun gets in the way every so often. It is entirely possible to visit Minmus, and intercept Mun on the way back for a flyby (or even a longer mission if you have the delta-v for it).
  5. I tried to launch an asparagus staged rocket and the game turned into slide show because of the shoddy fuel flow optimization. I guess I'll have to wait for a couple more patches before I return. Wait, what Dres? I haven't found any Dres in KSP2 either.
  6. Everything in YOUR statement is fundamentally not factual. > A torch drive needs to produce high levels of thrust for days with a fairly high TWR and a usable payload fraction too A torch drive is a drive that has more thrust, more TWR AND, especially, drastically more Isp than a conventional engine of the same class. The metallic hydrogen engine has more thrust, TWR and drastically more Isp than other engines of the class it belongs to, namely chemical engines. It is not a fusion engine and not a fission engine, it is a chemical engine. > metallic hydrogen is extremely dense No, it is not. It is formed under extremely high pressure, but it does not mean it is extremely dense. Density of metallic hydrogen is theoretized to be around 0.7 g/cm3. > a long-burning torch drive making interplanetary journeys in a few days via semi-brachistochrone trajectories This is not what metallic hydrogen engines are developed for in real life. They are developed for single stage rockets to low Earth orbit in real life. The benefits of metallic hydrogen is high thrust (as it is a chemical engine), while having a better Isp than conventional chemical engines. > metallic Hydrogen is endgame tech Citation needed.
  7. KSP 1 did not have any exoplanets. When you need a 10 year relativistic flight to reach another star system and each sublight starship costs at least 10,000,000 kerbodollars, will you launch every single piddly probe to the systems where Puf, Gurdamma or Rusk are from Kerbin and spend 10,000,000 kerbodollars and 10 years each time? Or will you plop a colony on Puf, build a space center there and launch from Puf to explore the system as if it was Kerbin? The metallic hydrogen engine is not a fusion torch, it's a chemical torch. It is intended to launch single stage pulp novel style rockets to LKO, but it will be of little use in deep space, let alone interstellar space. Expect thrust around the same values as Mainsails and Mammoths, and ISP two times that of Mainsails and Mammoths.
  8. A Crane is a piece of machinery that removes all weight and size limits on EVA construction. It would be a habitat type part that, when occupied by an Engineer, allows you to access the standard EVA construction mode with the standard distance restriction,., but with no weight limit! Combine the Crane part with robotics and wheels to make a mobile or rotating crane, move it around and have a larger radius to build stuff. Is it possible to make such a mod?
  9. Is there a mod that improves the EVA construction mechanic, particularly by removing weight limits with help of some machinery? For example, if your craft has a "Crane", an Engineer can man this crane and access EVA construction mode with no weight limit?
  10. I assume the process looks like that: * You assemble a KSP1-style base which is just a stationary craft. This gives you the ability to open the base editor, but so far it can do little more than the KSP1 engineering screen; * You start some ISRU on your KSP1-style base. This allows you to build bigger parts in the base editor, and unlocks the first "building" parts that are built in situ; * As you expand your base, build buildings and resettle Kerbals to your new extrakerbestrial settlement, you get more ISRU options and unlock more building parts; * Eventually you gain the ability to build the runway, the launchpad, the SPH and the VAB; * Congratulations, you can now assemble and launch spacecraft from your brand new Muna City! Building an orbital colony, I assume, would be the same but with no ISRU options, you'll have to bring resources by big transport ships. The benefit, on the other hand, is that you can build spaceships directly in space, no launch required. I guess the best option for a space base would be a size E asteroid which will provide some ISRU.
  11. I'm going to focus on Minmus in early game and Laythe in midgame. The colony on Minmus will be called, unimaginatively, Minmus City and located in the middle of the Greatest Flats. As for the Laythe bases, I'm going to have more than one because I'll try to turn Laythe into the second Kerbin because it's so hospitable and Kerbin-like. Given the seagoing theme of the moon, the settlements on various islands will be called Port Royal, Tortuga and New Providence. What are your plans for colony names?
  12. This base building mechanic intrigues me a lot. I'm going to use it to turn Laythe into the second Kerbin once I get KSP2. Build a full space center that can assemble and launch all kinds of spacecraft there, and settle dozens of Kerbonauts. Also, Minmus should become an auxiliary spaceport in early game.
  13. There is so many options to name it... * Kerbflower * Santa Valentina * Noah Kerman's Ark and so on...
  14. KSP2 will have acceleration in time warp. With it, you don't need huge xenon engines: the "huge cruiser, one piddly xenon engine" design becomes entirely viable.
  15. I think NERV is the go-to engine for the stage of the game when all your missions are Duna and Eve. For the other planets, and especially OPM planets, you need better tech. My Trans-Joolian explorer cruiser is based on the Near Future engines, namely the 2.5 m plasma engine. The engine is fueled by 12 tanks of Lithium and powered by two nuclear reactors, which gives it the delta-V capacity of 10000 m/s fully loaded and fueled while being able to produce NERV-like acceleration around 0,2 G. The nuclear reactors like to play thermal tricks and occasionally explode if you leave them on during a timewarp. So I designed a "Reactor Safety System" based on a KAL-1000 which starts the reactors and deploys extra radiators when you throttle up the plasma engine, and stops them when you kill thrust.
  16. I prefer to strut them fast. After the station is deployed, these struts can be recovered by an engineer and re-used to fix the station's final shape and prevent noodling.
  17. Having Making History and thus access to the 5m size helps. There is no 5m single engine in the game, but there is a fuel tank/engine assembly part that can serve as the basis for your custom 5m super-engine. It has 5 nodes: 4 size 1 nodes and one size 3 node. A Mastodon should go into each of the size 1 nodes. An engine plate with 5 Vectors should go to the size 3 node. So you have a super-Mammoth with 4 Mastodons and 5 Vectors, and no nozzle clipping. This will be your lower stage engine. To boost it into the orbit, add 4 asparagus staged boosters. Each should be a Size 3 Kerbodyne with a Mammoth as the engine. So you'll have a Size 4 central stage and four size 3 asparagus staged booster stages. This alone is enough to launch really big payloads into space. Whole stations, or interplanetary cruisers with 10k delta-v, you name it. I can imagine very few payloads too big for this rocket; for example, it won't launch a whole USI Orion (mod) engine with a bomb storage unit into orbit. Anything smaller than that is fair game.
  18. Used to be Val, until Valentina Tereshkova became infamous in Russia as a politician (I won't go into detail because it's off-topic). Now, I guess, Jebediah.
  19. Dead. Cause of death: thinking that just because Minmus has no traffic cops, speeding is OK there.
  20. I use various sources for my spaceship names. For the earlier game, simpler craft, I use a faux Soviet naming scheme,such as "Soyjuice 1" or "Sunrise 2". The shuttle program is when I start using individual ship names. I prefer to use a twin shuttle scheme (when two shuttles symmetricaly attack to a single tank), so the shuttles are named after famous literary twins (such as "Fred Weasley" and "George Weasley" or "Elros" and "Elrond"). The big, refuelable, multi-use non-landers is where I start to get creative. For example, my current flagship (a Near Future Propulsion plasma/atomic ship with over 10k delta-v in one go) is named KSS Forward Observer.
  21. The ground anchor also works well together with the KAS mod. You can attach a winch to it and use it to put tipped over landers upright.
  22. I hope they keep 1.875 and integrate is as a fully stock thing rather than a DLC thing, adding a normal line of engines for it rather than the oddballs that came with Making History. It is my favourite size for early game.
  23. I prefer to call it "Princess Drive". The giant bell nozzle kinda sorta looks like the skirt of an old timey dress. That's what I called the KSPI Daedalus.
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