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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. there arent any batteries left. and also about forty literally fell out.
  2. what do you mean life raft? And I want first turn, how about we flip a coin for it?
  3. ok, nice idea, I'm game. do you wanna set up? RTGs on weapons dont count, keep that in mind.
  4. Thanks! I haven't used it in a battle though, as its 140 tons, I just built it because I wanted a "flagship" and I was in a Star Destroyer mood. It's actually pretty tanky though, surprisingly. I have taken my turn. From now, go back to moving ships in order of mass. Taking the Helios, (as shadowgoat used the obliteration the last turn) I destroyed the "F-Tech Ares 4 Probe." I tried a new idea of coming in really clsoe to the ship, (around 50 metres) Lining up the missile with the engine, then moving away and destroying it with presicion sugery. It actually works, neatly destroying the single engine and nothing else. I then moved in and fired all my hideously inaccurate I-Beams, (now you see why I reworked them on the EX-9 Eos Gen 2) which knocked out every RTG in the ship somehow. There are some on the missiles, But they dont count as the ship most be able to fufil the three goals without the aid of on-board weapons. That makes the Obliteration dead. I then moved the Helios into a different orbit. Your turn, @ShadowGoat. Persist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/esunw550e3to8fl/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  5. I dont have any large capital ships, small -70 ton ships for the win!
  6. "Unfortunately, we lost contact with the Curiosity rover a few hours ago. We don't currently know exactly what caused it's destruction, but judging from its last photo broadcast, we suspect it hit a misaligned terrain seam going too fast."
  7. Your cookie hill becomes soggy, and disintegrates. I sit on a nearby mountain peak with shotgun, and yell Git orrrff my Lannnd! At anyone who approaches. My mountain/hill.
  8. This sounds interesting, I'll definitely give it a shot tomorrow.
  9. Not only have you censored the missile, you have censored the damage as well! Genius, having your screenshot about as bright as black hole. How heavy is it? And around 7 dead husks of SC ships says like it or not, the G3 is the most effective weapon I have ever used. How heavy is your new missile? The Poseidon is getting on in the years, it is easily outclassed by the Eos now.
  10. only? right... the Hyperion is 140 tons, and my biggest battle ready ship. Why does no-one else build small like me...
  11. I dont know exactly, but enough to rendevous with any ship in the battle. Looks good, how heavy is it?
  12. @DarkOwl57, you also need pics of your turn. all you really need is a screenshot of the largest piece of the apollo left.
  13. Its not bad, as you both attacked the same craft. basically, you press alt+f9, and select the right persist. the you take your turn. It dosent matter for this turn, just do it in future.
  14. you didnt load the persist with alt-f9. It dosent really matter since you both attacked the same ship, but you have to or the events of the last turn dont show up.
  15. all F-Tech tech automatically self destructs! and the Apollo's AI core was uploaded into everyones phones. Can you get the perist up within an hour or 2?
  16. nope. Missiles cant do that, only sections of the main body.
  17. I'm going to have to refuse, as the breakthrough has fairly weak weaponary, and all ships in the battle have at least moderate to heavy armour. Also, the Apollo is in command of the fleet, and it dosen't appriecate having to house its disembodied AI core in Erianna Kerman's Smartphone. It thirsts for revenge!
  18. I would appreciate that, but you don't need to kill it! Maybe just waste half its weaponary or something. @DarkOwl57, we really need that persist.
  19. Basically, what the titles says. Discuss the weirdest bugs you have encountered, and whether they actually benefited you or not. Mine was a good year or two ago, in an older version that I can't remember exactly. But first, some backstory. I make stock combat vehicles. A lot of stock combat vehicles. I was testing a new missile that consisted of 40 seperatrons and a massless part, so it was gonna go FAST. So I loaded up the missile, fired it vertically, and it accelerated faster than anything else I had ever built. I'm not really sure why, but all the seperatrons were bouncing around and slowly moving farther away from the attachment point, but I instantly forgot about it when the missile hit around 750m/s. There was suddenly a 2-3 second lag spike, which confused me, so I switched to some other vehicles around the space centre to try to find the cause. They were all broken, and I realised that somehow, the missile hitting 750m/s had detached EVERY SINGLE joint from every other joint on every craft within load range. Most people would be annoyed at all there crafts suddenly being destroyed for no apparent reason, but I was absolutely ecstatic. My only thought wa something like "omg omg I made a stock (except for editor extensions) nuke or something omg omg they'll probably build statues of me omg" Once I had recovered, I found that the missile reliably did the same thing every time, and within a week, just when I was placing them on everything and phasing out my old missiles, a new uptdate came out, I unwittingly uptdated and it broke the missile. I then went into a spiral of depression. Sorry for the wall of text, please share and discuss any sort of weird bugs you have encountered.
  20. My username was an obvious choice for me, as I use it for EVERYTHING. The only good thing to come out of my Xbox Live account. As for the avatar, I wanted to have something aquatic, and originally I had a one colour bland starfish flopped on the earth, but it wasn't obvious what it was. So I drew another, and it turned out a lot better. Thought some people think it is the kraken, it is actually an unfeasibly oversized irritated squid.
  21. Though I don't use them a lot, basic fins. They have a decent colour scheme, full radial attachement and have so many uses.
  22. Fine, but a lot of disadvantages are piling up against me... try to remember to follow the rules next time. @DarkOwl57 can we get the persist?
  23. I don't think darkowl minds as he can just edit his ship to mine, and I think we should stick to the rules.
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