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Everything posted by roboslacker

  1. Please consult our handy black hole safety pamphlet, 'Black Holes Don't Work That Way', and follow the directions. Waiter, there's a safety pamphlet in my soup.
  2. That's just the lies the freemason shadow government tells us to keep us down. The shadowgovernment brainwashes us with their chemtrails and soda commercials so they can have all the space to themselves, so they can grow space marijuana.
  3. That's nice, here's one of mine. Sometimes I put bread in the toaster, and make toast. I like toast. It's so crunchy, and you can put butter and honey on it, or you can use it for sandwiches. Whole grain bread is better than white bread.
  4. Granted, you now have delicious sentry syrup. I wish for a hamburger.
  5. ... Here's a loaf of bread! I want some bread, but without any plants in it. I don't believe in eating plants, or plant products.
  6. Granted, you have 3 days to re-purchase your phone before we take it. I wish to be memed.
  7. Probability driver load increased to 35.6%, captain, awaiting further orders. Waiter, I want some technobabble. I'm on a diet, so make it low-content while you're at it.
  8. yeah, and take a look at this real photo which definitively shows a curved horizon.
  9. Nolli Sollicitari, it's all right.
  10. Floor 4174; There is a cluster ICBM hanging over the mantel piece, capable of striking up to 3 targets within 100 km of each other from anywhere on the planet.
  11. [Redacted] I propose that you give me a sandwich.
  12. That was exactly the message before that
  13. If you're interested in laying down rules for Time Travel, my brother wrote an excellent textbook style piece on time travel over at the SCP Foundation. Here's a link.
  14. I know you are, but what am I? Why are my hands full of meat?
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