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Everything posted by icecold951

  1. It's working better now than it did before. A couple months back, if you decoupled from a pair of tanks and an engine with a self destruct attacked, only one tank would be destroyed. Engine fairings do not despawn though. Not much we can do about that, other than keep the setting for total amount of junk low. I have ring of debris at 80k. I'm careful about debris anymore. A couple years back, Jeb was doing an EVA to strut parts together, when I saw a cigar shaped shadow flash past. I didn't take a genius to know that was a close one. A month or whatever, I had a station actually take a strike. Got most of the crew into the two escape pods and saved. Jeb was saved by an emergency launch, before his TAC LS ran out. He was EVA at the time too. So now I plan what altitudes I drop debris. 80k for Kerbal, and 100k for Mun and Minmus. Usually I try to dump the stage at a point where it would fall back. Same thing with nose cones over a docking port. Jettison them before I circularize, and it goes home. Self Destruct lets me dispose of it though, if I forget.
  2. Do you overwrite what is in the config, or add to the config? Looks a lot like overwrite, and I tried that. But it didn't work. I hope this one gets fixed. Really they should redo their cockpit to something like it, as the stock one is just horrible in comparison. I love the Lander pod one that uses the same setup, and that works still.
  3. Last time I used it, it was only blowing up the section it was attached to, not the connected items. Not that it matters, since engine fairings are separated from both now. And you can't attach anything to a seperator.
  4. It had to have been a mod. I uninstalled and tried again. So far seems to work. Now carefully examining each mod I install.
  5. I'm trying to figure out what KSPe is, and if I have it. I have interstellar installed, if that is what it is.
  6. What is the status on this in the latest 1.6+ version? I'm seeing people say it works, others with trouble. I myself find it isn't working. The game is useless without this, as struts hammer the sim rate.
  7. Is this still working for others? Mine doesn't work right. Parts attached don't self destruct, and if it blows up a part, the bomb stays as debris.
  8. Got t working with one of the links. KerbalJointReinforcement_v3.4.1_for_1.4.2 But I'm getting some serious sim rate issues with this. When I removed it, sim rate stayed green. With KJR, I'm at about 1/4 sim speed.
  9. Unpleasant issue that MAY be caused by MechJeb. During it's use, sim rates can steadily crash to very poor. It might be another mod, but only happens when using MechJeb. Acts like a memory leak.
  10. I'm not sure who posted it. They had it in a dropbox link, but that is shut down now.
  11. Is there any current source for the DLL mentioned? The dropbox doesn't work. Right now, I'm working with struts. But that adds to the part count, then goes at sim rates.
  12. It isn't a bad feature, but it has one major hole. Part counts and sim rate. To build a sizable craft or station with this 'feature', requires struts and stuff that significantly increase part count, which trashes sim rate. I would rather build the craft with the struts and all, vs cheaty KJR, but not at a cost of sim speed slowing a station or ship to .25 sim. They need to fix one or the other.
  13. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, actually. Kind of a way to CONFIRM, you wanted it in auto warp.
  14. So far, the dev version has worked for me. I thought Mechjeb had updated to 1.3.1. There are issues, but nothing breaking. I've long learned to limit fins to about 20-30 percent. Solves that issue for the most part. It is over correcting.
  15. Anyone know what is going on with landing guidance? It won't even try to land where I designate. Even in space, before atmosphere affects, it just goes half way around the world. I thought it might be a mod, so I removed everything but mechjeb. Did the same thing.
  16. I have an issue here, I think I've mentioned before. If you go into warp, then leave the ship for a long trip, it might not remember you are in warp. That leaves you at extreme velocity going through normal space. Any fix for this, to at least slow the ship back down? I do wish they could get it to remember if you are already in warp or not.
  17. I too use Mechjeb. It isn't lazy. Too many later missions become support roles, like taking fuel to an orbiting ship. I've done plenty of manual fights, that I have nothing to prove. And Mechjeb still requires you to understand the how and why things work. But for this, Mechjeb probably isn't the problem. It is engines without a calculated burn time. Mechjeb probably can't fix that. The author of interstellar has to make engines report their data, so that Mechjeb and others have information to work with.
  18. Several engines have that issue. I think the issue is that mechjeb asks the engine it's thrust, but some engines don't calculate that before you feed power to them. Thus, Mechjeb assumes a very low thrust and fires early.
  19. This probably has been brought up, but I can't find it. You can't leave a ship in warp flight to cruise along while you do something else. I keep getting that it forgets the warp drive is on, so it leaves me cruising in normal space at extreme speeds. Is there a fix for this, rules to how to avoid this bug, or anything but keeping the same ship continuously active without having to exit warp flight?
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