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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. We should not cloud the issue with a bunch of relevent facts! (If not obvious by now... my first post and the follow-up were intended as jokes) ;-D @Daedalus304 welcome to the forum!
  2. Not what I heard... any account containing alpha-numeric characters is most likely a spambot, and must be thoroughly vetted.
  3. Ya know... I'm gonna revisit this. I could post a link to the patch right on the craft page and describe it as just a reversal of the 1.3.1 update for: * Turn on Goliath and Wheesley Exhaust damage. That is, assuming it's something I could manage with a MM patch.
  4. ...anyone with numbers in their username is automatically flagged as a spambot! Soooooo they'll have to approve your first 5 posts to clear that up.
  5. Thanks for suggestions... I specifically create everything to run in "Stock" so everyone can use them without mods... If it doesn't get picked up as a tweakable that I can set for folks, I guess those designs are just gone. I'll have to take em down once I install 1.31 and confirm the stacked engines explode. Pretty deflating news after spending so much time working out all the weight/balance issues for a hydrofoil aircraft carrier.
  6. Folks that D/L my craft won't care for that... may have to just scrap my Marine designs that used the stacked Goliaths. ...or hope they might add it as a tweakable.
  7. * Turn on Goliath and Wheesley Exhaust damage. I fear this just destroyed one of my favorite Marine Engine designs... Come to think of it... the Wheesley will probably destroy my 3-man submersible too. This is disappointing, can it be something added to the tweakables for these engines maybe? Else I may be stuck in 1.3 now. Is there a way to toggle it?
  8. If it supported directories (perhaps in the same fashion as sub-assemblies?) you wouldn't need to search or put keywords in craft names.
  9. http://www.bing.com/ http://www.bing.com/search?q=James+Webb+Space+Telescope&filters=HpDate%3a"20171005_0700"&FORM=HPCAPT
  10. I'm pretty light on my mods... Chatterer Editor Extensions Redux Module Manager Hyper Edit KIS Waypoint Manager MechJeb2 KAS Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Redux Transfer Window Planner Vessel Mover Continued ...this is all I have installed.
  11. They update their profile pics which puts them into the Activity streams for all to see without having to actually post or PM anyone, and they post their illicit website links to their profiles... and some of the pics are just not appropriate for this forum. I'll leave it to the mods as to how they would like to handle it.
  12. What's the best way to report spam accounts? ...such as these: [specific examples snipped by moderator] Maybe add a "Report User" button to the User Profile page?
  13. BTW, I did find the hotlink navigation item that I was looking for... it's there under the title for Recent Comments on the dashboard. Recent Comments on your craft View/Search all Comments <---- it's this link
  14. If you're worried about how others might feel, then you've probably misunderstood what I'm asking for. This would just be a filter that would show me the comments that I've made on other people's craft. It would be a subset of what I can already see... only it would screen out all the comments that I made on my own craft.
  15. Is there a way to actually navigate to that new "Comments" page thingy you added? I was thinking I might see it under "My Stuff"? ...also a "not on my craft" filter option would be useful!
  16. I have not checked the left eye though... probably a monolith there.
  17. @DAL59 nah, can't really see any evidence of a smiley up close either... but lemme know if you come across anything.
  18. Kerbal Attachment System and Kerbal Inventory System aka: KAS/KIS ...are the only mods I've come across thus far that I just can't play the game without.
  19. Try taking a map of the US and circling all the areas that should be uninhabitable due to possible disaster. You can start by circling the entire city of New Orleans for existing below sea level, the Mississippi river basin for flooding, tornado alley from northern Texas, up through Kansas and into Missiouri, everything west of the San Andreas fault line in California, the whole state of Florida, the entire eastern seaboard of the US, and all the states bordering the Yellowstone mega volcano. Paying for a few mobile home parks in the Keys and rebuilding state infrastructure doesn't concern me too much... The folks that are rebuilding their winter condos down there aren't going to qualify for FEMA aid. On the other hand, terrorists could mount an effective attack against New Orleans by showing up with a shovel! New Orleans Elevation Map
  20. @Castille7 performance-wise I only quote that it's 400 tons capable of 200 knots. As it gets lighter, it will go faster... but I prefer to keep the target speed for all weights at around 100m/s or 200 knots. At about 125m/s or 243 knots I can tell you it will blow out a forward blade and redistribute itself across an impressively large debris field. Having extra weight onboard for some ballast helps to maintain the 100m/s target speed. If you burn off all fuel and have no additional craft aboard, it will go airborne in the mid-90's without the blade adjustments I mention in the blueprint. Also, I wouldn't even use the afterburner at 1/2 fuel load... it can get up to 100m/s without it. Fastest recorded speed during an extended mission and about 1/2 fuel load was: 124.9m/s = 242.8 knots = 279.4 mph = 449.6 kmh Some pictures of it ripping apart at 125m/s as I attempted a 1x ocean crossing to the southern ice shelf : Also, I have started to assign Key "0" as a "Kill Engines" switch for all craft that can be carried by the Hurricane. This allows me to use the Hurricane's assigned keys followed by a zero key press to make sure all docked craft engines are dead.
  21. The deepest point (and location of my marker) is in the lower part of the Smily's right eye; or the left eye as we view it on the map.
  22. I took my sub there from the KSC and returned in a single mission... didn't take long at all. You just need the right sub and support craft. For the mission below, it was in fact for a posted challenge. https://imgur.com/a/E8Apw In response to your OP though, I believe the smiley marks the deepest part of the Kerbin ocean. I labelled it Challenger Deep in my mission. If you consider an Easter egg to be the deepest part of the ocean, then I s'pose it's an egg. OH... and I found out the Kraken lives there. I took a picture of it winking at me. Edit: I just put the sub out there with Hyperedit and the lowest part of Kerbin's Ocean is in the lower part of the Smiley's right eye, or the left eye as we view it on your map. The coordinates are Lat: -28.905, Long: -83.1116 and the depth is supposed to be -1388m. Here's a pic on the approach to the area. The outline of the Smiley covers such a large area as to not be visible when you're actually onsite. Everything is just smooth cascading slopes. I put my landing gear down so I could skim along the bottom. I figure add 2 meters to any reading I get with the front wheel touching the ocean floor. ...and here's a pic near the actual "Challenger Deep" marker which was set for -1380m at the above mentioned coordinates. I got a reading with the front wheel down of -1386m so I figure the actual depth report of -1388 is probably accurate for this spot. I'm within 85m of the target marker placed at Lat: -28.905, Long: -83.1116, depth -1380 I then proceeded to drive south for about 10km and just noticed a gradual climb to about 1200m depth. I figure at some point I probably crossed into the mouth area of the smiley, but again didn't notice much other than gracefully sloping terrain.
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