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Everything posted by Chel

  1. @jordan drake if you haven't already, submit a bug report to let the devs know about this (https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/) I hope your issue is resolved
  2. ayy double free period

    time to do youtube :))

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  3. An expansion pack is a microtransaction? Micro means 20 bucks? Lol
  4. lol reddit IMO is a place of forum rule violation words
  5. Was talking about the KSP DLC, not the KSP 2 trailer
  6. Yeah, I'd be fine with like an EVA suit expansion pack where you get several different styles, maybe create your own, for like 5 or 10 bucks, or different science messages, stuff like that. Expansions could add new parts, but not in the way where if you want to make a certain type of vessel you need the DLC to make it (such as with the stock props from BG)
  7. Judging by what happened with this game over the last year, I'd say that your hopes of no DLC will be one in a million, unfortunately. I'm okay with DLC if it adds some minor changes and features, not when it locks off many fan requested features (extra launch sites and stock propellors, from MH and BG respectively)
  8. 1.0.0 or 1.2, best versions 1.0 as it's the one I use on PC, and 1.2 as EE hasn't been updated past that version
  9. Update: Had a nervous breakdown including shaking, swearing, and crying, felt like I was going crazy and I just couldn't do it, am now at home still feeling like crap but a little better
  10. Anxiety + needles + assignment due = a complete mess, a person controlled by fear
  11. @Ducky7480 your best bet is to submit a bug report, http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ However, due to the lack of interest in the port, your issue may never be resolved. Best of luck
  12. I'm not hyped for KSP 2 Never thought I'd say that, just goes to show the absurdity that this is
  13. Yes, the DLC that only the PC players can buy and use
  14. Good, SQUAD should hopefully start putting more time into KSP Unfinis.. I er mean Enhanced Edition, that we payed full price for and have been suffering through (still stuck on 1.2 with the bugs).
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