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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. I have eyes in the sky. I take the cookie with a modified DJI Spark. My cookie.
  2. The 3rd time was exactly what happened to the ship you are using first time. But, yeah. My 2nd-generation ships will be tougher; that ship is a 1st Generation one.
  3. This is nonsense, Fisics Stoodent.
  4. @Frozen_Heart Ermm... I think you can work on that by making the exhaust port smaller, or multiple small exhaust ports. That was a lucky shot. You have to be consistent in your findings. That is how you test weapons and stuff.
  5. Isn't the top, bottom, and back pretty soft? Mk1 LF tanks are still pretty weak on tolerance, and the huge hole at the back for the engine. I learnt my lesson on that and kept trying to make that hole smaller to avoid potential mobility kills.
  6. I can't do it. Too preoccupied with shipbuilding. But I might be able to next set.
  7. @MiffedStarfish I couldn't replicate what just happened, but here is the attempt with the greatest damage. https://mega.nz/#!Q7hQGBxZ!mZZt7hR5GaTljq9oWPJdNeGXqe02GMG0Xy7e18fMh_ https://mega.nz/#!pyA3iLiR!0u-ONr7ok_ghrC9o32NEqJ1rDY0QXRCL4k4bKILQlMk Download them together.
  8. Um, I never would expect someone to inspect the damage, but it's coming up, @MiffedStarfish
  9. I did the exact opposite. I started with guided missiles, and then transitioned to SRM's. I meant something that can actually be a multi-role weapon. Like something that can precisely hit small objects while still being good enough to damage large targets and at the same time, can be placed anywhere.
  10. @MiffedStarfish you are so lucky. You make new weapons, but only specialize for a single task. How about a multi-role weapon for once?
  11. @ScriptKitt3h I have cracked you toughest ship, by the way. And with only one missile.
  12. Attempt #1 with my totally untested missile. Yeah, the ship survived, but will you use it? After impact, I refused to test the weapons and engines because I risk damaging it further. @MiffedStarfish You have to best work on your armor layout. I believe you have never encountered such damage.
  13. Since you have the toughest armor I know, I am testing my anti-Miffed missile on you. The EX-7 is a very tough nut to crack, so breaching that means I am one step closer to be on your level. And the others have more disorganized repositories. I might do so, later.
  14. The single-launch ring station is just for show. I launched it.
  15. I am already developing counter-Miffed missiles AND armor. Was the damage consistent, though? Even my new missile destroyed the Hyperion twice; the rest disfiguring the ship, making it less of an efficient warship.
  16. I have made a compact missile with the punch of the Javelin. It had destroyed the EX-7 twice, one on the soft underbelly and once on the hard outer shell. @MiffedStarfish better start making new armor, cuz you have got new competition.
  17. I think it is as useless as a furnace minecart in minecraft. There is almost no use for a swivel gun as long as DMP keeps damage client-side.
  18. Don't tell me you doubleposted again, @ShadowGoat.
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