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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. ICBM's are easy. Suborbital is easy. Solid-fuel ICBM? Hard.
  2. Man, I think negative team gets no merit. The are always pessimistic. -82 (+)
  3. There are no roads in space. Besides, the cookies are dead once they leave the warp bubble. I make a new one in a random uninhabitable planet in the Milkdromeda Galaxy as I watch the Solar System fly away into intergalactic space.
  4. Wow, @panzer1b. You know how to make a surprise.
  5. I take the cookie while you are asleep and blast away with an Alcubierre-White warp ship at 250,000,000,000,000c towards the Andromeda Galaxy. My intergalactic cookie.
  6. @Alphasus I have a concept for a missile that will hopefully bring mass devastation. Instead of firing 3 separate missiles/torpedoes, the single missile holds 16 smaller I-beam rockets that I will stage within 600m or less. If that missile doesn't kill ScriptKitt3h, the missile is useless.
  7. I will just use Matt's SSTO to Laythe to complete this.
  8. Say it. I am waiting. By the way, I am hopefully next.
  9. My nuke-powered ships are low TWR, but I don't mind using even Jool itself.
  10. Kerbin. It's easier there. Or around the Joolian System, for difficulty.
  11. I nuke a nuke in space to EMP the world. Meanwhile I *|static|* to perform the *|static|* and to *|static|* and take the cookie. My cookie
  12. My hill, after giving you 10x gravity and for every 100 feet you go down, the gravity increases ten-fold.
  13. I mod 'kerboloid_floor_cfg' and modify the following -increased gravity ten-fold -reduced friction -cookies on it will teleport to me While you fumble upon your code, I secretly hid my stash of 13 cookies in Fort Knox. Still my cookies.
  14. @MiffedStarfish I believe that my missiles turn out to be powerful enough to destroy the NX-16 in at least 4 shots.
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