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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. None of the above. He decides to converse with her, and manages to grab a case to solve. It is from a place in Lindenborough, where everyone has mysteriously disappeared. Does he go to accept the case and go to Lindenborough, or does he decline and just say thanks?
  2. It is a 1-ton, 2013-ish missile! How can you still keep it classified?
  3. @Tristonwilson12, I may have an insane rocket that could hopefully launch 5 full-size satellites to MEO or even a lunar base. But it needs maybe 3 stages, or reusable stages the SpaceX way. Do you think Cloud Aerospace can possibly do it with you current budget?
  4. Once arriving to the town of Nowhere, he is greeted by a team of bandits who knocked him out with a shock baton. He is put in a dark room. When Joe regains conciousness, he finds himself left alone in the room, tied up with carbon ropes in a silver throne. He sees a knife nearby that could cut carbon ropes, but it is quite too far away to reach. Then he remembered that he knows escapology. As another option, he can jut wait till he gets interrogated. What does he do next, escape or wait?
  5. The 'one with a KSP forums account. Of course one will have in order to reply.
  6. I send Jebediah to take the cookie... after lecturing him what a cookie is for 200 hours. Then Jeb goes to get a cookie. The WRONG cookie. Your cookie.
  7. I lift ban by demonstrating that the two compounds are too common to ban.
  8. @ShadowGoat, what does your 'Trident' look like? @Spartwo, when is part 6 coming up?
  9. @MiffedStarfish I am currently working on building Starship Enterprise, so, yeah.
  10. "I have been banned in one forum before, so now I will annoy this entire fanbase at August 14 2017, 1:00 AM, UTC."
  11. No, @MiffedStarfish, 15 tons. And it can tear your Hyperion apart.
  12. Well, it is 5.185 tons over the limit, but deals lots of damage nonetheless. Radial size is not up to par, though.
  13. Oh yeah, my new missile, the F-Type Torpedo has 8 little drones that come before the main missile. The Hyperion stands no chance now, despite it's top speed being <300 m/s. The Hyperion can only be saved by better armor or increased distance (tested at 2.3 km).
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