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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. /tp kerboloid kerboloid /give kerboloid cookie /effect kerboloid 16 1000000 255 Now eat the cookie
  2. I built an Su-35, not too far off from a 27. Just use a double B tail connector.
  3. Hey, @boolybooly, I did make 3 more SF planes, but I like the SF-01 more. They could do the same thing, more or less.
  4. Could you attempt a retrosolar rescue, with an SSTO?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joseph Kerman

      Joseph Kerman

      Yes. People did it using gravity assists.

    3. Matt Lowne

      Matt Lowne

      Lol totally forgot those things exist somehow

    4. Joseph Kerman

      Joseph Kerman


      Well, I think you have the designs for that.

  5. Answer: all mammals give their own milk. My cookie Answer to "define 'me' ": a pronoun referring to the first person (the speaker)
  6. I have built the said craft in SketchUp 2017, not on desktop right now.
  7. Well, I speak American English, some British English, Southern Tagalog, a small portion of Mandarin Chinese, an even less portion of Hokkien Chinese, one to twenty-five in Spanish, and a little bit of everything else.
  8. No, It took a while to break structural plates from 150m, and the AI cannot fix the plane well enough for the laser to be fired.
  9. Learn to play it and it will take down an Me-262
  10. Right. Propellers actually work better with denser media than 1 atm.
  11. Finally, a battleship I made that cannot be 1-hit-KO'ed. Named the SB-11 Dauntless Light Corvette, it withstood a hit from @MiffedStarfish's G4-H Torpedo and still had half fuel left, along with control and missiles. It can also go unscathed from shots of the G3 Torpedo, even a direct hit cannot break the hull (though a frontal collision breaks a probe core {which has 2} and some fuel). Powered by 32 Ion Engines, it weighs in at under 80t at under 350 parts. Craft File: https://mega.nz/#!42wAkTTZ!SqGpHckUkXRuMBxTa0EZWjPtk56U0-KZn95a8KzL6pc Pics coming soon.
  12. 13 y/o. And his sentence didn't say anything negative about the missile: I assume this means long missiles work well in well-armoured ships, @Canberra_Gaming?
  13. I take a time splicer and splice the cookie. Time's cookie
  14. I have a long missile! The first ever made, the Javelin First-Generation Missile.
  15. I guess it's bye-bye for air-and-space fighter designs...
  16. Well, I will be waiting, @Tristonwilson12. The shuttle will be manned, of course. Why build a shuttle with windows if it is unmanned? @ZooNamedGames Also, what to name the shuttle? Cloud Aerospace has rockets named after weather, so what could be the name?
  17. Folding space in front of you has consequences. You also expand space behind you and you accelerate to oblivion. My cookie after taking it from previous poster.
  18. The SF-01 is not a dedicated fighter for the skies, so I am developing a more maneuverable SF-04. Expect pictures soon.
  19. That craft can get to Laythe!!!
  20. Hey, I heard that you can "forge" armor by making sure most armor plates are connected to the root part. @Abraxis told me.
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