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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. The Kerthenians were desperate. The Kruolans had been ahead of them in almost every way. Their war machines overpower them. So the top leaders and scientists devised a way to develop a counter-offensive. They named it "Project Kruolan's Doom". The jet had been an expensive investment, but they voted in on the funding of the project. Day and night, they researched and built the craft, until eventually, they have finished it. 19,300,000 bucks had been spent on the materials and a further 846,870,000 more on R&D. It was hoped that this jet could challenge the Kruolan air supremacy. Alas, only 12 were made. The latest model, with a cone intake, was the best performing model, but the project had to be cancelled due to lack of funding, and the fact that they needed a new ground unit to fight with. So the project was forgotten, never used in the war.
  2. How about this? It is unarmed, but it is supposed to be an air-superiority fighter with a small bomb load.
  3. Oh hey, just noticed. @MajorLeaugeRocketScience = MLRS = Multiple-Launch Rocket System.
  4. If everyone likes air superiority, here is my go of a very, very outdated jet.
  5. I dunno... I rebuild an old KWWII jet from blueprints alone. WTWTCH?
  6. So, WaffleTech Military Technologies had discovered an abandoned hangar and found blueprints for a secret project. An old WWII jet came along with it. Without hesitation, the craft was immediately sent to the aviation museum and began work on the craft. After 3 years, they have successfully rebuilt the jet, as a trainer jet.
  7. Alt + F9 rewind... Just giving the 12 cookies to Elon Musk... his cookies.
  8. I have a 100-seat SSTO to Duna for a challenge, but could never really find out whether or not it could do it unrefuelled. Pics: Craft file: https://mega.nz/#!9rggDAxD!L8I49cp_l3LKI6IQO3MezDkV5f0g_0pDD2xn5L0gblY
  9. I make a mental solution to the infinite safe problem. I got only one try and the room goes boom. Well, they won't go boom if I use physics. 2 hours later Found it! My cookie.
  10. Aerobatics. Supermaneuverability isn't new to me, so i may take this. Which rings?
  11. Your cookie. Failed to say the plural form. I still get that and your cookie. My cookies
  12. Yep, floating up indefinitely while I delete your inventory and I give myself 64*32 cookies
  13. Doh! -Homer Simpson TUBM is the 7058th poster.
  14. You don't get it? Floating in space while @kerbinorbiter is floating up to space to meet you?
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