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Posts posted by megamike

  1. 4 hours ago, voicey99 said:

    What fuel switch mod/s are you using? I'm using CC and B9, and neither offer an option to muck around with the inflatable tank.

    I have both of those and interstellar fuel switch, which is likely the culprit!

    Thanks for the quick response @voicey99, you have narrowed my search by 2/3 :)

    They all came required from other mods. I would rather only have one installed but such is life!

    Edit: The config file looks the same as a regular hydrogen tank. IFS is a .dll which is probably beyond me atm. I'm going to leave this beast alone for now. Beware the highly efficient empty expandable hydrogen tank propulsion system......

  2. I'm not sure this is the correct place for this, but I found a pretty awesome glitch between the inflatable LFO tank and one of the resource switcher mods (I'm still tracking down which one).

    If you swap the tank to Liquid Hydrogen it works great, until it Is fully depleted at which point it tears off its connection point and detonates the ship in a glorious fashion (right after easing physics if you launch with it empty). It was quite funny (although sadly I lost my main scientist when I realized I could no longer revert to the launchpad) to watch the command pod launch at 5.5million m/s. I have tested the other available fuel switch options and they all work properly.

    I'm curious if this is a missing config option on the tank itself, or if the fuel switch mod in question isn't playing nicely? I can swap other tanks to Liquid Hydrogen without any issue.

    Thanks for advance for any information, I'm going to continue to poke at this until I get it either way :).

  3. @Blackline I use the full host of USI stuff and MKS does work but you have to delete one file to return the SC functionality. Otherwise MKS overwrites the config for the docking ports and adds all the complex stuff. See my post above which I piggybacked off the previous forum thread under @MatterBeam.

    On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 4:20 AM, megamike said:

    It looks as though with the most recent MKS release the EL_USI.cfg file which was identified on the previous SC thread has been emptied, and moved to MKS_EL.cfg. Deleting this new file returns docks to rocket parts though (I also deleted EL_USI.cfg to remove an empty file error).

    It is in your \GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\MKS folder after install.

  4. Hey guys,

    It looks as though with the most recent MKS release the EL_USI.cfg file which was identified on the previous SC thread has been emptied, and moved to MKS_EL.cfg. Deleting this new file returns docks to rocket parts though (I also deleted EL_USI.cfg to remove an empty file error).

    Even then my existing ship has incorrect ports. But new ships with new ports work OK! This might be normal with KSP, I'm new here :).

    MKS_ lite (when available again through MKS config) *should* fix this but that functionality is not available ATM.

    Thanks for maintaining this awesome Mod RealGecko!


    Edit: Cleaned up the post removing stuff I tried that didn't work. I'll leave this just this one

    • I deleted the extraplanetary launchpads folder in game data.

    @RealGeckoWith regards to the the EL folder, it seems to me like its bad form having that included in this package. It makes KSP think that full EL is installed which breaks other mods relying on EL definitions. I had this issue with Feline Utility Rover as an example.

    We found a workaround there, (Needs:[EL&!SC] on the broken parts) but I'm going to roll with the white square instead of the EL icons to greatly improve compatibility going forward. Anything with the Needs:[EL] callout could be gimpy.

  5. 4 hours ago, Starwaster said:

    Filtering out SC sounds reasonable for a workaround though it probably would be bad as an official fix (for those who might install SC + EL together legitimately)

    What is even IN that folder? I can't even tell from your logs and MM cache that it's even bringing anything to the party. Did SC just install an empty ExtraPlanetary folder?

    @StarwasterTwo amazing icons are in that folder,The EL ones for in-game buttons to be exact.

    Simple Construction/Plugins has the launchpad.dll and el.version. I'm kinda thinking that the Launchpad.dll might look for the icons in a fixed location that the SC guy couldn't mess with?

    Simple Construction/Patches/EL has the resource.cfg and other changes.

    In CKAN EL and SC can't be installed together. I can try manually installing EL afterwards if you'd like to see what happens? KSP certainly sees it as EL being installed while CKAN doesn't.

  6. 12 hours ago, Starwaster said:

    It's that same Kerbetrotter nullref right when you added the big freight container object. @Nils277, you mentioned earlier that it was probably from a missing config; what's actually missing is the RESOURCE_DEFINITION for several of those resources. ModuleFuelTanks / RealFuels is susceptible to the same thing. 

    Cross referenced the freight nodes with actual resource definitions and the ones missing are MetalOre, Silicates, Silicon, Lithium and DepletedFuel.

    Some of those are probably missing because of an outdated Community Resource Pack distribution, as in one of the mods that you reinstalled probably replaced your CRP install with an obsolete version. Reinstalling CRP right from the CRP repository would get you back Silicates, Silicon and Lithium: https://github.com/BobPalmer/CommunityResourcePack/releases

    I *think* DepletedFuel is from an outdated CRP and should be corrected in the FUR configs. (it's DepletedUranium now)

    No idea where MetalOre is coming from. Maybe it was also in the CRP and is something else now like MetallicOre (which is also in the freight configs). 

    @Starwaster you are a gentleman and a scholar.

    3 hours ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

    @Starwaster Metal Ore is from EL

    @TheRagingIrishman you are too!

    I manually reinstalled CRP without any luck.

    I can see resource definitions in CRP for Silicates, Silicon, Lithium and DepletedUranium (No DepletedFuel as you said but that's another battle).

    MetalOre is indeed from EL (not installed), and I don't see it in the patch from simple construction's EL install. Only metal and rocket parts.

    	name = MetalOre
            name = MetalOre
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700

    This is the wonky bit from the freight config. SC installs the nerfed EL but doesn't define all of the materials. I removed this chunk and the large/small freight containers work perfectly (well unless you wanted some sweet sweet MetalOre but I sure don't!).

    I should think the better way would be something like :NEEDS[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads&!SimpleConstruction] to resolve this properly.

    Thank you all so much for helping out with this. I have a far better understanding of what's going on now :)

    I also just angered some sleepy German folks with my victory cry, oops :wink:


    Edit: I just had to poke it one more time, I confirmed the "proper" fix above works and updated the rocketparts line to :NEEDS[Pathfinder|SimpleConstruction] as well.

  7. On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 3:41 PM, Starwaster said:

    NP. And, just to explain this a little, I'm thinking that this might be because of something happening at runtime when you enter the editor OR when you try to place a part. An error at the wrong time there could prevent a PartModule from initializing part of its code or even smash the parts list of the editor itself....

    Sorry for the delay, I finally got on some decent interwebs.


    started game, entered building, added FUR cockpit and FUR large freight module. Quit to menu and out of game.

    Thanks @Starwaster

  8. 14 hours ago, Nils277 said:

    As @Starwaster said, changing the NEEDS parts would not help. I'm afraid i have to add a more detailled log to the plugin about when the reading of the config fails. I thought that maybe the config file is corrupted or has a missing bracket or so, but this is not the case.

    Edit: I won't be able to do anything for the next week or so because i'm on vacation :wink: 

    Not a problem @Nils277 I'm in transit from holidays->work travel myself. Let me know if I can help out at all.

    On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 7:14 PM, Starwaster said:

    No, that NEEDS[Pathfinder] isn't going to do anything if Pathfinder isn't there, unless there's a config somewhere that says FOR[Pathfinder] (there isn't one in your installation)

    I have a suggestion. Please post another log AFTER running the game and loading up a save (or starting a new game, doesn't matter which) and take it all the way through to the editor. Place down the part you're having trouble with and then quit KSP. Then post the log.

    @Starwaster I'll have it up as soon as I find some better wifi :), thanks for helping out!

    On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 7:29 PM, TheRagingIrishman said:

    @megamike looking through your log, the only mods affecting Lynx_FreightBig that I don't use are FarFromKerbin, JettisonFuel, AmpYear, and KerbalKrashSystem but none of those affect the fuel switch. 

    [LOG 19:00:17.822] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Parts/Payload/Freight_Big/Lynx_FreightBig'
    [LOG 19:00:17.827] [KerbetrotterTools]Config node Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    The problem is definitely ^ but I can't figure out for the life of me what's causing it :(. I'll mull over it tonight and see what I can think of.

    Also, I'm actually living in Boston right now :D.

    @TheRagingIrishman Too bad your not in Dublin as I just found out I'm flying there in 2 weeks! Not all is lost though as I do make it to Boston on occasion and there is some helluva good breweries there too!

  9. 3 hours ago, Nils277 said:

    Will put it on the list of possible new parts :wink: 

    The second line is generated by the plugin and states that at least one of the configurations for the storage types does not exist. I'm not sure what exactly is missing there though. Can you post the content of the freight_storage.cfg template? 

     name = Ore
            name = Ore
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 600
     name = ColonySupplies
            name = ColonySupplies
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Commodities
            name = ExoticMinerals
            amount = 750
            maxAmount = 750
            name = RareMetals
            amount = 750
            maxAmount = 750
     name = Coolant
            name = Coolant
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Dirt
            name = Dirt
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Equipment
            name = Equipment
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = ExoticMinerals
            name = ExoticMinerals
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Fertilizer
            name = Fertilizer
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = FusionPellets
            name = FusionPellets
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Glykerol
            name = Glykerol
            amount = 750
            maxAmount = 750
     name = Gypsum
            name = Gypsum
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Hydrates
            name = Hydrates
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Karbonite
            name = Karbonite
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Karborundum
            name = Karborundum
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Konkrete
            name = Konkrete
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Lead
            name = Lead
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = LqdHydrogen
            name = LqdHydrogen
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Machinery
            name = Machinery
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = MaterialKits
            name = MaterialKits
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = MetallicOre
            name = MetallicOre
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = MetalOre
            name = MetalOre
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Metals
            name = Metals
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Metal
            name = Metal
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700

     name = Minerals
            name = Minerals
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Organics
            name = Organics
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Polymers
            name = Polymers
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700

     name = RareMetals
            name = RareMetals
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Recyclables
            name = Recyclables
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = RefinedExotics
            name = RefinedExotics
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = ResearchKits
            name = ResearchKits
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = RocketParts
            name = RocketParts
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Silicates
            name = Silicates
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Silicon
            name = Silicon
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Slag
            name = Slag
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = SpecializedParts
            name = SpecializedParts
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Substrate
            name = Substrate
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Uraninite
            name = Uraninite
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700
     name = Water
            name = Water
            amount = 1700
            maxAmount = 1700

    Glad to @Nils277!

    I don't have pathfinder installed. Could the :NEEDS[Pathfinder] on the rocketparts line cause this? I updated it to :NEEDS[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] like metal is as a stab in the dark but no joy there either :(

    I'm going to get some coffee and I'll have another look for any other clues :)

    As always, thanks for your time guys!

    Edit: Just for clarity, without simpleconstruction (and the bundled partial EL) installed my available options match exactly what I would expect from a virgin freight_storage.cfg. I just doublechecked that rocketparts is missing as I would expect without pathfinder installed.

  10. 6 hours ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

    @megamike try changing the opening line of OreTanksSwitch.cfg to

    @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Ore],#category[FuelTank],!MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch],!MODULE[ProceduralPart],!MODULE[ModuleKerbetrotterResourceSwitch]] {

    This should prevent the patch from applying to any FUR parts that use Nils' fuel switch module. Also, if you could post a link to your ModuleManager.ConfigCache that would show exactly what is being applied to the part.

    Cheers again @TheRagingIrishman, but no joy I'm afraid. I also tried adding :NEEDS[InterstellarFuelSwitch] as that has been requested on GitHub to resolve a module issue, but no luck there either.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/fzwlqbaor57c48d/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?dl=0 is after simple construction was installed but prior to adding your line above.

    I hadn't poked that file yet so thanks for pointing it out! There is a ton of good info in there for troubleshooting.

    I'm wondering if its the partial ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads stuff which is bundled with SimpleConstruction causing this and not the SC itself. I had a quick look between a normal EL install and the SC-EL install but I couldn't see any obvious callouts that are missing. Again, I'm no pro, there could be something obvious I missed.

    You've put a smile on my face all day as I try to figure this out bud. Its been a great distraction. Next time I'm in your neck of the woods there are many beers to be had on me should you want them.

    I usually hit Dublin->Galway but I could be convinced to make a trip up north :wink:


  11. 8 hours ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

    @megamike it appears that something went wrong in your download of MKS, USI-LS, Community Resource Pack, and Tweakscale (KSP threw 7 errors saying that various files were empty, including one that I know for a fact is not (because I wrote it :D)). Reinstalling CRP *might* fix your problem with FUR as it provides the definitions for the resources that you are missing and reinstalling the others will prevent other errors down the road so that's what I would recommend.

    Blarg what mess - thanks for taking the time to point that out.

    I fixed them one by one, either checking GitHub to make sure they are blank and deleting them or reinstalling. The issue persisted however.

    I removed mods one by one until I hit SimpleConstruction which fixed the problem! I added and removed NotSoSimpleConstruction a couple times to make sure that wasn't the problem and I was just too drunk to catch it.

    I tried to dig a bit further but I'm afraid the newbie is strong with this one.

    SimpleConstruction has:

    • OreTanksSwitch.cfg which might mangle it.

    @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Ore],#category[FuelTank],!MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch],!MODULE[ProceduralPart]] {
      name = InterstellarFuelSwitch
      resourceNames = Ore;Metal;RocketParts
      resourceAmounts = #$../RESOURCE[Ore]/maxAmount$;$../RESOURCE[Ore]/maxAmount$;$../RESOURCE[Ore]/maxAmount$
      @resourceAmounts[2,;] *= 2
      tankMass = #$../mass$
      basePartMass = 0.0
      displayCurrentTankCost = true
      hasGUI = true
      availableInFlight = true
      availableInEditor = true
      showInfo = true

    • Resources.cfg which doesn't include Ore.
      name = RocketParts
      density = 0.0025
      unitCost = 1
      flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
      transfer = PUMP
      isTweakable = true
      name = Metal
      density = 0.0078
      unitCost = 0.5
      flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
      transfer = PUMP
      isTweakable = true

    I'm going to fight them a bit but it certainly doesn't seem like an issue with FUR!

    Any other insight would be great (just so I can put my brain to rest), but I can live without SC so it's not a big deal :)

    Edit: I fought and lost. I also realized there is a new SimpleConstruction 3.4.3 which was released as I battled, the issue persists after upgrade though. Its odd that Ore shows up in other containers with it installed, but such is life.


  12. 5 hours ago, Nils277 said:

    This sounds like the templates for the resources are missing. 

    Can you take a look at KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Templates and tell me what files are in there?

    Maybe completely removing FUR and reinstalling it might help 

    I sure can!

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcxalqlfpv1e6cj/FUR1.jpg?dl=0 <- List of files

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/t2b1ijez81wxqtt/Freight_Storage.cfg?dl=0 <- Copy of the freight .cfg

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/flvto3twulv0yu9/KSP.log?dl=0 <- KSP log I was digging through (I don't mind re-digging if you have some tips on what to look for, its a mess of mods!)

    I tried removing FUR and reinstalling without any luck.

    Thanks for the help Nils277 you freaking rock. It's honestly been quite fun bumbling through all these files. This fail (and the awesome community it led me to) has started my gears turning about what mods I can put together. This game is getting me through some brutal work trips so I really appreciate all the effort you guys put in!

    (also thanks to the mystery mod who approves my newbieness!)

  13. Fantastic Mod Nils227!

    But I killed it and I can't fix it for the life of me.

    The big and small freight containers can't hold anything but EC for me :(. I can see next fuel: and previous fuel: (instead of next resource as I can see on the KIS and LS containers). The expected list of options is also blank in the editor.

    I have stripped out and reinstalled any mod that I think might have issues but no joy so far. Stock + FUR works fine though.

    I'm sure its another mod mangling these parts but I just can't seem to track it down. I'm also very new to KSP so digging through the logs is a bit daunting. I found this mess with regards to these parts in specific but I couldn't find a smoking gun for the failure.


    • [LOG 17:54:15.235] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Parts/Payload/Freight_Big/Lynx_FreightBig'
    • [LOG 17:54:15.240] [KerbetrotterTools]Config node Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    • [LOG 17:54:15.246] PartLoader: Part 'KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Parts/Payload/Freight_Big/Lynx_FreightBig' has no database record. Creating.
    • [LOG 17:54:15.249] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'Lynx.FreightBig'
    • [LOG 17:54:15.281] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Parts/Payload/Freight_Small/Lynx_FreightSmall'
    • [LOG 17:54:15.285] [KerbetrotterTools]Config node Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    • [LOG 17:54:15.291] PartLoader: Part 'KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Parts/Payload/Freight_Small/Lynx_FreightSmall' has no database record. Creating.
    • [LOG 17:54:15.294] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'Lynx.FreightSmall'


    Has anyone else seen this fail? Otherwise any help as to what I should poke next would be greatly appreciated!

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