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Everything posted by Mrcarrot

  1. This was discussed a while back. It's actually "platypodes". As far as the Kerbals, they're Jeb and Bill. Jool. Don't ask.(or you can, I guess)
  2. Moar replicas... The only part I couldn't do accurately was the RCS... considering using @SparkyFox's mod to get those old thrusters back... that is, if it has those... perhaps it doesn't. Edit: Apparently, just dropping the old part files in a newer GameData and changing the name works too... even if it is a little weird
  3. A semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal of action with an iron will, nerves of steel, and several other metal-themed attributes.
  4. ...And instantly upon reading that name, I thought of a certain other platypus...
  5. Giant robots... but because there's no option for that, #4.
  6. ...And Thompberry looked up at the night sky and saw a sight he had never before even dreamed of seeing. He saw the Mun, except- it was far too large- and what was that in the background? "Something has changed..."
  7. It currently doesn't do anything but hover... and I couldn't find the mod for the back legs, although I can pretty easily recognize most parts I've worked with... so I've probably never worked with them.
  8. I don't claim it to be 100% accurate, but... ...and it's also not finished. I think I got the aesthetic about right, though.
  9. Buffalo, Pathfinder, Surface Lights from what I can tell... I did, however, take my own suggestion and upgrade Thompberry... Almost appears to have an evil smile, doesn't he?
  10. I, too, have decided to make replicas... I'll probably also make his antigrav craft... that is, if I can find the mod for the antigrav stuff...
  11. Most of the parts without mesh-switching will, but other than that, no.
  12. Star Was: the exciting story of a star that once existed! Edit: just saw that someone already did that one. Oh well... Phineas and Ferb: Cross the 2nd Dimension: A movie in which Phineas and Ferb must cross the second dimension in order to have the best day ever....
  13. I found the Old Airfield(Yes, I call it that; it's what KSP says you crashed into) before I found even the KSC Monolith, back in version 0.25....
  14. Whether SQUAD should redesign the standard Kerbal Space suit.
  15. So... you program the very universe in which you live? Interesting...
  16. I am aware of this. Apparently, you have not read the previous few messages.
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