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Everything posted by Mrcarrot

  1. Banned for having the default avatar.
  2. A giant iron weight lands on your head. My cookie.
  3. Granted. Estimated date of delivery: 1 eternity from now. I wish Imgur album embeds worked.
  4. Some will say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing multiple times and expecting a different result...
  5. Does this also mean 1.4 will be out by then? Because if I recall correctly, KSP needed to update to be compatible....
  6. Nope. No need. I got a key by sending the following:
  7. One must email stonextgames@gmail.com with one's PC's specs for a key.
  8. Hmmm... you have German-style quotation marks in your username...
  9. For some time now, I have been working on a project with three PartModules, countless physics bugs, and fourteen builds of the same plugin. It has no custom models/textures for the parts, but they are localized(in English only for now, sorry) and they work(more or less) as intended. So, I present: the Jump Drive! The parts right now: BMS-01 "Somewhere Else" Hyperdrive This is currently a clone of the J-33 Wheesley jet engine, now with 100% less regular engine functionality! However, it is currently experiencing bugs that prevent it from loading. "A small engine, useful for going somewhere else. Be careful, though, as this technology is experimental, and you have no idea where you'll go if you use this. It does, however, have a "Back to Kerbin" feature, which allows you to go back home easily. There is also an error that will send you forward in time approximately 9 days. You are teleported to a flyby with the random celestial body chosen by the engine. Warranty void if used to teleport surface-to-surface." BMS-02 "Somewhere Else+" Hyperdrive This is a clone of the LV-N, and it is slightly improved over the BMS-01... "This drive is the improved version of the BMS-01. Most issues are mostly fixed, although we still can't choose where to go. The forward-in-time issue is reduced to 2 seconds. You can also teleport directly to orbit around your chosen target, rather than that annoying flyby. [REDACTED- FIND OUT WHAT GOES HERE WHEN IT'S RELEASED]" And... the BMS-03, which doesn't currently have a name, will be a clone of the Mammoth engine cluster, and you will be able to choose your destination. Likely release date: Summer 2018
  10. Suggestion: have separate logs for different GameData folders, so only the correct KSP.log, etc. gets overwritten and debugging games is easier.
  11. Scatterer is the way to go if you're trying to change the sunflare... I don't know how myself, but I'm sure you can figure it out...
  12. Well.... somewhere around here I have a machine with Trainz 2006.... if that counts?
  13. I believe this is incorrect as to which fonts KSP uses, but other wise, it still works. Also, thanks a lot for putting these here!
  14. This is very unlikely to happen, and here is a list of reasons, though some may have already been brought up. First and foremost, modding on console would be very different from modding on PC. You'd need the mod dev to compile a special version with different code, just to support console. Licensing. If your mod had, say, an All Rights Reserved license, and you gave SQUAD permission to do it, but it wasn't entirely clear you did, you might as well be offering them a free lawsuit. Bugs. If a mod has an issue on console, the mod dev needs a console with KSP to replicate this bug and/or determine the cause. Also, logs would be very hard to provide for console, and the Debug Menu isn't easy for everyone to understand. General Impracticality. You might think it would be easy to drag and drop files into the console's GameData folder, but consoles do not provide the direct access to files a PC can. Each mod would have to come with a package manager, and a simple config would become line after line of compiled code. Hassle. If SQUAD doesn't want to go through the work of recoding and authenticating each mod, they don't have to. Remember, it's their game. The same goes for the modder, who may not want to go through the process either. Hope this was helpful. Not trying to spoil everyone's fun, it's just probably not going to happen.
  15. Yes, I believe that would be a better idea....
  16. Or just KSP at all... it's hardly bug-free in a stock game.
  17. I got the game as well, but I had to set the controls to KSP-style because I'm used to it... Also, I'm very quickly learning that there is no SAS in Flyout.
  18. I wonder... how many mods can you even handle? You maintain more mods than any other single person in this community. That is truly great. As for the mod itself, I think I'll find it useful, thanks!
  19. Note: this mod is a continuation of the mod by the same name by @RealGecko, found here. No Crew Requirement Continued A simple ModuleManager patch that eliminates crew requirements for manned vessels and/or the need to attach an unmanned probe to your spacecraft. Useful for automatic launches and docking of space station modules, rescue missions, etc. Requires ModuleManager. Initial author Initially created by Orbinaut, then continued by RealGecko, and finally myself, under GPL-3.0 license. Apparently, the old site gets replaced with an asterisk in posting, so I can't tell you where. New Feature Every command pod also receives level 0 SAS. Download http://spacedock.info/mod/715/No%20Crew%20Requirement%20Continued Installation Merge GameData content with your KSP installation's GameData. Requires Module Manager. Source This mod is the source, it's a config file. Delete any previous versions before installing the current one. Notes: In KSP 1.2+ unmanned command modules will be treated as probes and will have Remote Pilot Assistance available. However, as it is still a mannable command pod, it will not have Hibernate feature and will still consume electric charge as usual. Changelog
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