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  1. Just recently got back into KSP and after installing all the obligatory visual mods it got me wondering, are there any mods or visual packs that add rings to Jool? I remember years ago I installed one that added rings, Jool would cast shadows onto the rings and the sun would change color when it would shine through, but I cant find any from searching. If anybody could help me out with some mods that add them or a visual pack that adds them that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. Is your Kargantua remake still in development?

    1. Davian Lin

      Davian Lin

      Some dude said he was doing it, so I stopped. Besides, kopernicus for 1.8.x  still isn't out, unfortunately

    2. Space Nerd

      Space Nerd

      Maybe you can consider to resume developing that, because @GrandProtectorDark's event horizon is quite different from the original.

    3. Davian Lin

      Davian Lin

      @Space Nerd Maybe after all the necessary mods on 1.9.1 have been updated. 
      And yes, I have permission from the author to resume.

  3. Does anyone know which system this screenshot this is from? To save me from having to download them all.
  4. Is Voon supposed to look this? In the teaser videos it didn't look quite as blue. Also how do you install tropical Laythe? Is it a outdated config or can i still install it? https://gyazo.com/2bd733b04eefd33b9dbe14c2e729bd79
  5. I don't i was just wondering whether or not i'd installed the wrong thing but nevermind.
  6. I've got the majority of the mod working, however none of the clouds are showing up on any of the planets only the aurora's and the city lights show up on Kerbin.
  7. For some reason when i click on the github page or on curseforge the download isn't there
  8. For some reason when i load up the game the only moon there is Kalatea. Could someone help me out?
  9. How do the clouds in your game look so good? I checked the mods in the description but the ones i install look completely different and don't have the animated clouds like you do. And i was just wondering if you could link it or something?

    1. NSEP


      Environmental Visual Enhancement

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