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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. I think it continues for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever......x 1000 Bassacly im saying its going to go on even if the numbers dont fit on the UI
  2. 1.5.1.....here we go again... See you all at 1.5.5
  4. I WILL BURN THEM ALL WITH MY CO2 TRUSTERS! And good luck to them getting to my mars colony in the first place
  5. Banned for destroying most of my ships.(You are the kraken right?)
  6. Ok sorry.i thought they were taking a look as flying some stock aircrafts on 1.5 and on older versions and seeing if something changes and changed
  7. The developers are taking a look at it that for most people took a few minutes to check if anything changed but for the devs is taking more than a day
  8. A lot of people have said that.I flew an Osprey but i didnt found any changes. I take back what i said i just tested the Pika 1 and it needed the whole runway to take off,It never did that Actually it flies a LOT WORSE
  9. Change a bit the planets?....Add caves,A bit of a terrain overhaul like make duna not be a giant desert like every single planet in this game is?More ester eggs like remains of alien civilizations?....Maybe they could make a small story throught science definitions at these sites. Carrer overhaul like making science make a bit more sense(because right now its just like "Thanks to this rock on the mun we can make a nucler engine!" It should be something that takes time and funds.Maybe it could be that the RyD research 10 science points per day for 1000 funds.I think that would make more sense?
  10. Is it me or does this update feel "Incomplete".There are parts that got an overhaul but other parts that are meant to go with that didnt get the overhaul and now crafts seem like a mess. Heres what i mean: The MK 1 chute looks completly out of place with the pod. Aswell the hammer and flea engine.... (Sarcasam alert) Oh squad i absolutly love how you took 2 unique engine models and made a new one for the hammer and said Lets cut the hammer in half!...Yeah that`s the flee engine we whanted!.....Really squad?The flee engine is literaly the hammer cut in half!. Really this update is really boring and a bit pointless.No one asked for a part revamp.The closet thing in saw that some asked for a part revamp was I that asked for a revamp on the kerbals suit(Which I like how they turned out).But people have been asking for ages for multiplayer....Better graphics....Updates on the console version......new stuff to explore.....more planets.....new game mechanics....you named it.
  11. Well the parts are nice but they dont fit to well with the other ones.....Like the MK 1 chute with the MK 1 pod.... Edit:And when are we getting new planet? The last one was Eelloo that was made more tan 2 years ago.
  12. Did you SSTO had any parts that were changed with the update?.The parts may have got some tweacks that changed their behavour
  13. In the south of Gran Canaria there are some sattelites dishes that comunicated with the apollo missions.
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