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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. Yes and this is what you get when someone replies. What is Kerbal Space Program?
  2. NOPE Next one is.........@real kerbal3x
  3. Can unfinished stories be here?If so could you ad mine? A million Light years from home.Its going to be finished soon
  4. It is time to take the red planet commander!.And here at the Kaether Space Center we have a wide vairity of vehicle blueprints you can take for all your colony construction needs!. We offer you from the small drones to the big RC rover!. Catalog: Drones: Shuttle:Coming soon! Transport rover:Coming soon! Exploration rover:Coming soon! RC rover:Coming soon! REQUAIRED MODS: Tweakscale: If you have any suggestions for this vehicles post them below!
  5. Some pictures i took while making chapter 20 of A million light-years from home Pika infinity leaving Gaia and heading to ole´um This one looks like the Infinity is on interstellar space.(Wich its not) Valentina kerman looking at ole`um.
  6. Granted but now people post in the old one I wish..... I had a wish to wish
  7. Banned for writing in white colour that makes it very very very very very hard to read
  8. Banned for discussing about my location.
  9. Isn't the surface of Venus like the one on picture 2?
  10. Banned for doing what a kerbal told you
  11. CHAPTER 19 Remains of an ancient civilizacion So yeah you might notice that this novel is not far from ending.2 chapters to be clear.Im really happy on how the story has turned out.Im already planing to make another novel once this one finishes.Ofcourse i am going to complete the misión pack first..Well I hope you enjoyed chapter 19.Se ya next chapter! Oh and by the way the next novel is going to be called SURVIVING DUNA.
  12. I'm currently writing a novel were a kerbal gets stranded on an alien world and has to survive while on kerbing a deadly zombie apocalypse is about to start.Well I'm actually kinda close to finishing the story.Maybe 10 more chapters?. I'm aswell already have an idea for my next novel.its going to be called surviving Duna.So you kinda have an idea of how the novel is going to be about.
  13. Write in the debug menu iseegold.Reload the game and every part will be made of gold.
  14. Yes that's our minmus ice cream made on minmus. Waiter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's an ! In my soup
  15. Banned for using black text (Even though I'm using black test aswell)
  16. Banned for not giving me a reason to ban you
  17. MISSION 3 IS OUT and mission 2 had an update!! IN mission 3 you are back at Kerbin.This time you are on a training mission.You will use the Wind catcher to fly from the island airfield to the GSC and then do some simple manuvers. Mission 2 is now 100% done.You can now use that asteroid to mine some ore(good luck rendezvoing with it thought).If you are planning to land on that asteroid make sure to bring A LOT of fuel to rendezvous with the phasegate.. Hope you enjoy the mission!.More are comming soon....Oh and by the way mission 2 is not updated on steam(because i dont know how to)
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