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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. you see that the intro scrren has an arrow in it pointing at a boutton.press that boutton and it should turn on
  2. I think the most difficult landing is on SBH.And short runways are only the beggining of the problem, the terrain an airport has also depends.Take a look at Princes julliana airport.It has a beach just before landing and has mountains just after take-off but its runway is big enoght for a 747 to land and take off.I tried landing on all airports in FSX and SBH was the most difficult to land on.The Ksc island(or as i called Kanary islands)Is probably inspired by SABA because both have the runway very similar. P.S. @Legacy600Try a flight sim like flight sim world it has a really good tutorial sistem
  3. I went 9 times to Buenos Aires,Aregentia.I asswel travel sometimes to Tenerife and i once traveld to San Sebastian in Spain
  4. Timewarp in mp could only affect the ship of the user thats using timewarp.
  5. how about doing something with this? Feel free to what cosmetic to apply
  6. look for some of the creatures from Osiris new dawn some of them live on a desert world
  7. How is going guys I posted chapter 5 and 6 today In chapter 5:valentina wakes up after being knocked off.And now she finds here self Spaceaway(is the same as castaway but in space) in an alien planet a million light-years from kerbin! In chapter 6:she starts preparing herself for the long time she is going to be there P.S.Yes i know the crops are horrible but is the best i could done,there arent planter mods for ksp you know
  8. valentina kerman looking at the horizon of niebos as she realices she going to be there for a long time...........
  9. thanks for reviving this amazing mod fun fact:this mod was the first mod i installed for ksp
  10. thanks @steuben for the feedback i will defenetly add the stuff you said on my storie .but first i want to clear some of the stuff you said: "small [crystal] with something like 1000000 kilotons of power" i complitly missread that from the wiki and i will change that to say :small cristal with something equivalent to 100000 kilotons of TNT "Yes, And That's Terrible. Loud noises from inside a beer can in space, what's to like? " the kaurora is an interplanitary vessel that is massive in size. the 170 kerbals fitted perfectly in the kaurora and more kerbals could have gone inside.Valentina at the moment of the first explosion was at the hangar bay.In the kaurora`s hangar would have been big to give the infinity space to launch and dock ones its back "Umm... aliens in the crew helping them to survive once they land. Not what I think you meant but a good example of rereading and reediting before you post. " The survivors of the kaurora will NOT be helped by the aliens beacuse: Storie spoiler below!(asswel for the game subnautica) my current inspiration for this Project is from the game subnautica.Im asswel Reading the book "tale of a castaway"
  11. the other day i place ddown my headphones...guess were in my keyboard and it touched the power botton...*facepalms*
  12. Yeah what I tried to download was surviving mars a week after its release
  13. I recommend dont doing this kind of stuff. last time i tried dowlading a payid game for free i got a virus that nearly destroid my PC
  14. i want you to say what you think of my storie and how can i improve it thx but the only ships i made were the rover,the unundentified spacecraft,the pika infinity the KIP(kerbin interstelar phasegate) and the lifepod are mine but the kaurora and the plane Ryley used i found them at kerbalX
  15. Hes problably making a big update like he did when he updated to 1.3.aswell a lot of modders gilded updating mods because of the recent updates to ksp But after work s fine in 1.3
  16. So I want to know what you guys think of my story so far. I think is good but I will like to know what can I improve there P.S. the link s are in my signature
  17. Now I never killed a kerbal on porpouse in my sandbox play through I killed 22 in 10 years.now I think that my biggest crime to kerbin was in my novel....I killed 168 kerbal at once
  18. i generaly play subnautica music in the background,seriusly playing the lift off track while lunching a rocket is legit
  19. the flight was incredible.i dont know why but my boosters always go head first exept of engine first.Great job!Next time land at the VAB helipad!And if you up for a bigger challenge land on the administration building helipad
  20. What planet of @Gameslinx planet pack do you guys recomed using as the place were a spacecraft crash-land and a kerbal have to survive?Im currently thinking about Niebos.The planet needs to be habitable
  21. C`mon you arent going to say this image is cool: the pika infinity escaping from the flaming Kaurora.Over planet 4546B.In the background you can se Ole`um with all its moons.I have to say that this photo was considerably easy to get,Just get the 2 craft neraby use the WACK-a-KERBAL destroy one of the craft and get the other craft engines running and there you have an amezing screenshot!
  22. Chapter 3 and 4 are now out Chapter 3:w just tell thats the kaurora is going to the yila sistem but in chapter 4 something bad happens........
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