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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. I started learning a bit on how to do gravity assists the manuver itself took a little over 1m/s of DeltaV!
  2. Someone made an experimental version of scaterer for 1.9.1 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103963-wip181-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-v0055-20012020-19-unofficial-builds-in-op/
  3. Selecting vessels from the tracking station screen will show future maneuver nodes
  4. There should be an extra tier of parts that can only be unlocked when doing science tests on a space station(this could work by contracts that instead of granting you and to grant you parts, the contracts may require you to do some extensive research in other planets, this could bring space stations in as by having them on multiple of them at multiple places you wouldn't need to launch a new rocket)
  5. So as I said in my previous post I went to Minmus today! The rocket was the same as the mun rocket with the only exepcion being that I removed the extra engines from the lander The Total DeltaV of the rocket was above 6000(the deltaV indicator displayed it wrong due to how the stages were placed)so I guess I have my Duna launcher set up!(I'm not gonna lie I think I can go to Sarnus with that launcher) A bit more into the launching and I decided to decouple the 1st stage(still had 1000 deltaV) Once in orbit I started burning to Minmus, the time to get there was 5 days Shot of the lander coupled with the main ship Once orbiting Minmus I dumped the transfer stage and decoupled the lander to start the decend I decided to wait in orbit until a flat place to land apeared Once above a nice spot to land I killed the horizontal velocity and started a slow descend And landed!..BTW i'm really liking the idle animations. After getting a few samples of the surface of Minmus for the local ice cream store I headed back into orbit to dock with the main vessel A few orbital manuvers later I was heading straight to Kerbin,I entered the atmosphere at 3200m/s so I decided to keep the other stage and the lander near me to see some explosions(I was disapointed thought) And a few minutes later I was back on the ground! Tomorrow I'l send a probe to land on Duna!
  6. Las UCI de muchos hospitales están colapsadas así que dudo que sea "un poquito peor que la gripe"
  7. Serenity was breaking ground as far as I know
  8. I went once again to the mun, I went with a Apollo style spacecraft. The landing surprisingly good.Once i decoupled the lander from the main ship i started burning fuel in what semmed a fight against gravity, normally I make my aircraft ridicusly overpowered for mun missions(I used my Duna spacecraft to launch the ship).But when it came to the lander I was really cutting it close. The lander the following setup: A single terrier for landing and then I used what remained of fuel + the other 4 terriers for take-off.of course I was ready when if the single terrier wasn't enought to stop the ship to use all of the engines(that luckily didn't happen) EDIT:Now that i look at the lander closely I realize I messed up my own setup The landing went well and now I have this nice view Tommorrow I will go to minmus(haven't visited that fella in more than a year!)
  9. It is already confirmed that Squad will keep working on KSP 1 after KSP 2 is released both games are being made by diferent studios About the DLC No they haven't said anything about future DLC, I hope if they make a new DLC that its not like what they did with breaking ground were they went full EA and paywalled features the game needed (There wasn't anything to do on planets and what squad added can be done with mods)
  10. I'm in lockdown currently in Spain and we might go on for a while...(According to the health minister the peak could be reached at the ends of april)
  11. You could try Brute force it: Slapping boosters on the side of the base and bring it to the mun on a single launch(make sure to add a few structural parts to avoid the whole thing colapsing on take off). Or You could try launching each module separately, sure this might take longer but it could save you from rapid-unplanned-disasembly
  12. Me alegro que en algunos países como Argentina parece que se lo están tomando enserio, pero si la situación en España parece sub-real, todavia no me puedo creer que en 24h casi 1000 personas hallan muerto en este país y peor aún si lo que dijeron hoy de que el pico puede llegar a finales de Abril...
  13. Steam won't let you buy a DLC for a game you don't own on Steam


    The whole country of Spain is in lockdown(Sincerely I didn't expect that)

    I guess it's time to 100% some games

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HansonKerman


      do USUM. I want to see you catch every single shiny legendary possible. I dare you to try to complete a whole shinydex. 

    3. KerbolExplorer


      Haha you are crazy XD (i got the full regional dex on ORAS tho....but not shiny)

      I'm right now trying to complete the post game on PMD explorers of the sky and learning a bit of Game dev on Unity

    4. HansonKerman


      oh! A full hoenn dex is still cool, I’m still here trying to get all the SWSH version exclusives.

  15. Well they just cancelled school on my area for 15 days, it can be more time,depending on the situation with corona

    We will seem to have online clases and maybe exams(we all know how thats going to go with someone with two monitors XD...)

    Hopefully my teachers don't send to much homework.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KerbolExplorer


      Spain,Gran Canaria

    3. HansonKerman


      do u consider that bad or good

    4. KerbolExplorer


      Well yes I consider it good,there are already 3 cases in Gran canaria(They are right now in quarentine)and in school it's really easy to infect people(especially in my class we are like 30 in an extremly small room) so yup I'm pretty glad that they cancelled classes

  16. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon rescue team DX(Why is the name so long) I have been a PMD fan since I picked up Super(That game is really good and the OST is great),so this was a day one buy for me. It's a nice game that makes you question your sanity and wonder if you are playing pokemon or dark souls.Like no really in a few hits you are dead,with the only exepcion being boses that two shots you(actually no there are some that one shoted.....my entire team.....on a dungeon with 40 floors... I hate you Kyogre) My only complain is the story,it was really basic,it had a few nice ideas but it never expanded over them. The post game is long tho,it has like 15 chapters Another one I have been playing is from the same franchise,Explorers of the sky.On my WiiU I bought it like one month ago,i've been listening to the music from the game a while ago and people in the coments really liked the game,so i decided to give it a try Well this one easily takes place on my top 10 favourite games,the gameplay was nice,the story had some good twists and the soundtrack is really good Oh and I love the virtual console on the WiiU it's save feature saved me many times.
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