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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. Banned for having a hype train ticket
  2. It's already in popular! Its been like this since yesterday!.I think it should be in r/all too!
  3. Sad to see this guy go he was the one that introduced me to KSP and into PC gaming in general
  4. I didn't make this one credit goes to reddit user u/mike_loves_memes Edit: Mod:Is discounted Linuxgurugamer: Credit to reddit user u/Verb_Noun_Number for that meme
  5. *coughtlaythecoughtwaterworldscought* Boats could be a nice feature for exploring ocean worlds
  6. As I said before here is a small video i made of the music feature i programed into the discord bot https://youtu.be/CxK0W5gYVuo I'm seriusly considering entering the modding scene of KSP......Don't know what to do maybe a career mission pack?
  7. let the poor thing live it never did you any harm
  9. Ah nice the thread is back on Im sure it's going to be locked after this post
  10. So long story short i had enought of the forums spamming my e-mail so i decided to adjust my notification settings to "not send me emails" But for some reason the forums are still sending me e-mails I tried aswell the "new e-mail per week" option but that didn't work regardless When i go again to the option site the settings are how i left them it just seems that the forums refuse to follow them
  11. yeah it looks pretty good but... Am i the only one that thinks the terrain has really poor quality textures?
  12. i have never been to jool(yeah that's sad ik) TUBM has been to jool
  13. Banned bacause i don't have a good reason to ban you Banned because I don't drive
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