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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. when its ready i really don't whant another 1.4.
  2. Good to see i'm not the only one doing that!
  3. Literary everybody when they re enabled likes
  4. Banned for spinning to much Its something from the game my avatar is from,it doesn't really exist
  5. i normally call them "money" or "funds"
  6. Banned for not being a member of the troupe
  7. Florida man decides to raid area 51 oh wait...
  8. ah good too see the likes back! But curiosity is killing me is there any word on what happened in the first place for likes to be disabled?
  9. i would like to see the reason behind blocking wikipedia it doesn't make any sense in a school
  10. Im a simple being i see thread i click
  11. Banned for not being ready for spooktober
  12. I think it about time i changed my profile picture to go better with the month we are on!

    1. Fraston


      Haha! Its Grimm!

    2. KerbolExplorer


      you know every character i put as my profile pic XD

    3. Fraston


      I have my ways...

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