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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. My bot is finnaly able of playing music throught voice channels! it is able of playing queuing songs and stopping works perfectly exept of a bug that makes the end of the song go crazy but otherwhise great Il see if i can post a video later of the bot in action
  2. So sadly i don't have images of this but i swear this happened So i installed a few mods this was back on 1.12.2 so that was...damn 3 years ago so yeah i don't remember witch mods but i think i had scaterer,EVE and some part mods So i decided to take these new mods for a run so i took off with a KerbalX to the mun I arrive there normally just to realize that when im taking off my poddle was gone!...But the engine was there so it just when transparent? Suddenly a huge rectangle appears where the engine should have been. what happened afterward?...Well i closed the game so RIP. I still have a coppy of ksp 2 around so maybe i could toy around with mods seeing if i can get the same results
  3. When you come to the forums and see that you have no new likes when you realize the likes are deactivated Moderators still being able to like
  4. Not a meme but.... Area 51 raid is just hours away!
  5. Banned because.... Did you really just posted a badge in the comment?
  6. Well the like button seems to have gone on vacation... Good to see it wasn't me i literary just thought i got banned
  7. Oh i didn't read that sorry I think the issue might be your laptop my PC can run KSP 1.3.0 with a ton of mods and i don't have those kind of issues Can you post some specs?
  8. Ok first of all. Yeah I rather go to alpha centauri in real life than to another solar system in KSP. I guess if this gets added the timewarp limit will get incrised Ok so can you please explain this a little bit more? From what i can gather the planet will be the same as Kerbin but with an operative Baikanur?...So you can launch rockets from there whenever you what?.I think it would be better to have an unique planet exept than a copy and paste. I like having cities thought!.If they get added in Kerbin too then exelent!
  9. I never needed it KSP's physics allow me to decouple the command pod and roll out. And that is if I ever let a rocket blow up i mostly revert flight(If enabled)when something goes wrong
  10. KSP is soon getting a performance improvement so it could probably going to fix your issiue
  11. banned for writting in caps also what lemon slice do i have in my signature?
  12. Yeah i would like some lore in the game... Or something i have been asking since i joined the forums some ancient ruins on planets
  13. Here have a real life glitch So lately i have been reading a lot before sleeping,when i feel tired i put the book in a night table i have right by my bed. So last night the book fell,that happens... What is not normal is that the bookmarker was at the living room. It somehow when out of my bedroom and down the stairs. And there is a hallway between me and the stairs. I guess my cat likes bookmarkers?
  14. Banning myself for potentially killing this thread
  15. Banned for writing emoji with a capital E
  16. Probably going to be called kerbol due to the devs refering the system as Kerbolar system.
  17. Same i have been getting an error code 500 all day I actually had this happen all month now. I guess they are updating the forum?
  18. Banned because How can you be at both hell and heaven at the same time?!
  19. Banned because i love your profile banner
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