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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. Is this done with photoshop? if its done in game with a mod you made can you please put a download Overall its really good!
  2. You can't wish for someone's death I wish for 69 more wishes
  3. Most of the stuff I know I learned them from memes
  4. I want that bug to happen to me so badly
  5. Yeah but it would be as simple as turning it on and it will be inmidiatly found I would like tho that the marker apeared once you discover the debris
  6. Stock images be like made in 5 minutes in paint
  7. wow it has been a lot of time since i saw an aircraft like that The engines could be too heavy for those fragile wings that with no struts/auto-struts they could fall apart with any move. Move the engines closer to fusalage of the plain(The main long part)if you dont whant to offset from the main body wich is a good solution but quite unrealistic As some said before adding autostruts could help(in most cases) If auto struting doesnt work aswell you will need to use bigger wing pieces. And do yourself a favour and add more control surfaces!.I can belive that plane can get altitude with so little
  8. Just fixed it completly Adding this at the start of the messaging commands worked if(message.author.bot) return;
  9. The fact the the best features they recently made are locked by a DLC Atleast mods are adding new terrain scaterer
  10. Finnaly found the reason of the "destroyer of servers" bug in my bot Screenshot of the bug: I found the bug when testing with the "msg.content.includes" command.(what it does is that is searches for the worlds i programed it too look for in phrases) With the spanish trudaction and OH MY GOD MY STUPIDITY IS REACHING NEW LEVELS! So My bot was programed to search for the line "Hola!"(Hi) and then it responded with:Hola!,que tal(Hi!,how are you?).....So you might be seeing the problem here.... It responds correctly until my bot finds in its own respond the world "Hola!" so it keeps spamming the same response over and over with out an ending So lesson learned never make a bot respond with the same message as the one its looking for EDIT:
  11. Okay you now notice I wish for my Switch's Joy con not to drift
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