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Everything posted by Pudgemountain

  1. I typically use the Titan rockets for small/medium probes and Manned LEO missions while I use the Saturn for larger probes, long distant and Manned missions to places outside the Earth's SOI. Some times I will use other rockets or make my own kitbashes. For upper stages when I use the Titan I tend to slap a Merlin engine from the Tundra pack to the bottom of the top portion of an Atlas Fuel tank when I need more Delta V. as for the Saturn usually the S-IVB with a J-2X can work or if I am not carrying a lander I use the Apollo adaptor for an extra source of fuel or even make another supper stage again depending on my mission. I am not that good with making efficent rockets lol.
  2. Pictures of my first Manned Mission to the Moon just a flyby ala Apollo 8. Sadly during the encounter with the Moon my game crashed and when I restarted my RCS thrusters were gone probably destroyed by the Kraken and my Kerbal's suits reset so no pictures of Bill on EVA. "...And The Great Kerman said "LET THERE BE SNACKS"
  3. I sent my first rover to the Moon though unfortunately since I currently do not have the proper Rover parts I used a unmanned Gemini Lander pod and a special probe to operate the capsules by machine. It even comes with a Television camera that directly links to Earth so Kerbals can watch live footage at home. I'm still learning how to land on the 2.5x Moon ^^;.
  4. Since I screwed up with installing a mod and messed up my career file, I decided to try the 2.5x KSRSS and also finally tried TUFX. Here's Telstar about to fly over Mexico.
  5. It should be in the latest version of BDB just right click on the Apollo CSM both regular and Block III and a texture should be called Modern.
  6. Maybe one of them like the kitbashed one could be a prototype used in a first recovery and the non kitbashed one can be for a future Skylab rescue mission if delays with Shuttle happen or be a backup just incase the first one failed. Just a thought.
  7. I believe it is Scatterer, I splashed down a couple of times with the Apollo CM and sometimes it bounces too much and other times it's normal and I have Scatterer.
  8. Looks like Bill and Jeb were tossing a football when it hit the LM, now it needs to wear that thing.
  9. Yes I was watching Lego Star Wars while building the probe lol
  10. Over the weekend I sent 2 landing probes to Plock and Karen and took some pictures mostly in the dark given how far they are but still. First probe named Gonk landed on Plock. The next probe named Manager successfully touched down on Karen but this time we added lights to the probe.
  11. Thank you BDB and Thank you Skylab for having lamps I can put on a landing probe to Plock's Moon Karen. I had two Apollo Block V panels but due to Karen's gravity and darkness the probe fell on it's side thank God I have RTGs as backup. But the Skylab EVA lamps work really well.
  12. After so many (Ingame) years of cost saving and sending tourist around we finally had enough money to build a Interstellar probe. The LV is the S-IC and S-II stage of the Saturn rocket with 4 large SRBs, not sure what's up with the SRB textures. That's it, since the probe itself only uses BDB science equipment I don't think posting pictures of just the probe here would be appropriate.
  13. Stock sized system with OPM and Extrasolar. As much as I would love to build a monster rocket I am trying to save money to build a Nuclear Pulse probe that can go to a new star system.
  14. Pictures of a Manned Moho flyby and Manned Gilly Landing both separate missions but use the same type of ship. A Gemini capsule strapped to a Saturn V. I still love the Gemini nose camera. Other than the Solar panels all parts are Gemini and Apollo era hardware. Philgun Kerman learned the hard way that when exiting a lander on Gilly the the ship will fly a few feet.
  15. We all did it 1000! On a different note related to the topic I just found out you can turn the LM's base and legs into silver sadly I do not have screencaps at the moment.
  16. The Momo lander which used 98% Apollo era hardware just touched down. The event was televised though 1: Some shots are a bit obstructed and 2: I wonder how the Ranger's TV cameras could survive Moho since the Geiger counter and thermometer melted.
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