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Everything posted by Pudgemountain

  1. A Kraken Drive from Kraken Science. It is extremely powerful and efficient but runs on a a rare fuel which is hard to come by especially in KSRSS. You could add the fuel into the tanks at the VAB but one tank the size of a S-IVB will cost about 20 Million. I only posted a picture of it here since 1 the command pod is a BDB Gemini and 2 the lander was Gemini.
  2. Took me all day but I finished a mission to Saturn. I only went to Enceladus and Mimas even then without refueling the Gemini lander with two external tanks at 5km altitude was able to land and take off from both places. Unfortunately the AARV threw Mila off balanced so we had to ditch it. The Enceladus trip. Enceladus was fun and I even saw a Cryovolcano erupt though it was too quick for a screencap^^;. Now for Mimas we decided to land in the super la...Herschel Crater. We can safely say Mimas is indeed a Moon and not a planet destroying space station. Bonus science dialogue.
  3. After a couple unmanned test of Mila including a unmanned mission to Neptune and back that took 6 years(Without the aide of Jupiter) and a manned Flyby of Mars we are ready to do a full mission to Saturn and some of it's Moons. We are not landing on Titan, still need to develop a proper lander for it but we will go to Enceladeus and Mimas, maybe others. The Lander Etna has rendevoused with Mila and will dock. I went with the Gemini lander because the Apollo and Altair landers would be OP for Enceladeaus and Mimas. Now we launch a modified AARV loaded with Lander Fuel and RCS fuel. I would've used a Saturn I variant but for some reason Saturn Is do not like me launching them even when it's just a CSM.
  4. Sadly last I heard those 2 probes are dying. To be fair they lasted 40 years which is a remarkable feat.
  5. As much as it pains me but due to environmental concerns and the fact it's 50 years old I decided to decommissioned the Bradbury. Since it was never meant to return to the surface and it has nukes in it we decided to give it a Viking Funeral by hurling it to the Sun. RIP Bradbury 2022-2072 You boldy sent us where no Kerbal has gone before. But now we built and designed a replacement for Bradbury named Mila in honor of Mila Kerman.
  6. After so many setbacks both personal and ingame I was finally able to do a manned Europa landing. I should've used the LM Taxi variant but I though since Europa has an atmosphere an Apollo LM wouldn't work(Turns out the game does not recognize Europa's atmosphere.) Ranger Cam on the rover facing Mila Kerman. I do have more pics but since most especially the last one i posted in this post have little to no BDB parts I don't feel like it's appropriate to put them in. As for the Altair lander due to an airlock malfunction(Kraken) which resulted in the death of Mila Kerman we are suspending Altair landings until the situation can be fixed so for now we will stick to Apollo and Gemini landers.
  7. I know how you feel I used LC-19 for manned LEO launches. The Titan IV works great in 2.5x and fits in LC-19.
  8. I decided for the launch of the Europa lander named Crete to make my own variation of the NLS/SLS. Though not all Shuttle parts. Though my only nit pick is the S-IC stage cannot be changed into orange but that's just me. The First Stage consist a extended Saturn S-IC stage with 5 F1-B engines and 2 Shuttle SRBs. The Second Stage is a S-II stage but with 5 RL20-P3 engines instead of J-2s or J-2X. Crete about to dock with Bradbury. Maybe this rocket will still be known as SLS but instead will stand for Saturn Launch System a successor to the AAP.
  9. True but I was referring to the Buffalo rover I made lol. But in seriousness I can't wait for the LRV it will be really useful for future missions that don't have an atmosphere.
  10. But in all seriousness I hope this rover drives better than the attempt I tried on Ceres almost a month ago.
  11. Since everyone is in a rover mood I decided to post pictures of a rover for a planned manned mission to Europa I will be doing. I need help the higher ups at the space center keeps telling me they got better TV cameras than the old Ranger Camera but I keep using it. Now just gotta restock the Bradbury and hope an Apollo Lander can work on Europa. But I gotta wait until the weekend to play some more.
  12. Decided to test out the NERVA with launching 2 probes. A Pluto scanner named Tombaugh and a Europa Scanner named Emmaline(Named after someone I know who's middle name is Europa.) both were separate launches. Unfortunately on both missions when the NERVA II ignited it was night time so no pictures of it in action. While Tombaugh is taking a 16 year journey to Pluto, Emmaline arrived at the Jovian System in about 2 years.
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