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Everything posted by dochockin

  1. I've turned off Razor Synapse and everything seemed to be good. I played for well over an hour, back and forth between Screens (map, tracking station, flight, space center) no problems and then CRASH! So I'm adding the new .dmp, log and error files for your viewing pleasure. This crash happened as I was in Space Center screen and clicked on the tracking station to enter that screen. Thanks! https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmmpmwanurkdi8t/crash.dmp?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/znbuidtsa9h42wk/error.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/7yj4xqrqialxiuw/output_log.txt?dl=0
  2. Thanks for the reply. I'm not running any of those programs you mentioned, nor anything similar that I know of. I've just updated my GUI driver again since your reply (an update came out a couple of days ago). Stuff running in the background while I play KSP are: CCleaner, Malwarebytes, Unchecky, Dropbox, Razer Synapse and usually Firefox on my second monitor.
  3. Ok, I've gotten a window to track down all the log and crash files and am adding them now: KSP: 1.7.3 Windwos 64 Problem: Game crashes when transitioning to and from Map Screen Mods installed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h8vil9jw7s4wdfr/ckan mods.txt?dl=0 Reproduction steps: Switch to Map screen from flight screen or vice versa Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/crdvb4kv1200o1t/crash.dmp?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/3j223h67kbdogvs/error.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/p5bxevixqbna5wm/output_log.txt?dl=0 Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks! I noticed that there was some discussion about this above in the thread which did help a bit too. What numbers or values in the "Right-Click part view" in SPH/VAB would help me figure out relative prop strength or speed?
  5. I have a question about propeller strength. I have no real IRL knowledge of aviation (beyond the passenger level) so assume I'm the complete noob that I truly am. How does one judge the strength of propellers from the AP mod? I was looking at the 'Kitty' (the first level prop) and comparing it to the one's you unlock second in career mode. I did notice a standing force rating for props. The Kitty seemed to be 65 kN while the second tier props were all in the 20s kN range. Am I reading these wrong? Essentially I'm looking to make a plane that I can use to fly around Kerbal to collect some science data for contracts. I'd prefer to travel a bit faster than I seem to be able to do with my starter plane... So I'm wondering what props would give me more speed. I assume plane mass will also be a factor, so any suggestions there would be great. Thanks!
  6. As the title says my game is crashing at times when I try to open the Map screen, especially while climbing to orbit. I am using numerous mods. I'm playing on KSP 1.73. My graphics card driver is up to date. Where should I start troubleshooting this problem? I have tried searching for answers online, but I've found nothing helpful. Thanks for helping a noob!
  7. I've just come back to KSP after a couple of years hiatus. I'm wanting to play a Career game with Probes before Crews. I fired it all up via Steam and the Probes/Crew mod was working, however, something else was messed up since the ground was lost under water once I got a bit of altitude. I realized that I was using KSP 1.8 while many of the mods I had installed weren't updated yet, so I used Steam's Beta option to revert back to 1.7.3. The water level bug went away but now Probes/Crew isn't working. Any thoughts as to what's going on with this? Thanks!
  8. I'm having the same issue with multiple Station contracts. Where is the StationCore.cfg file? I've tried looking through the game install folder but I must be missing it. Thanks!
  9. I've just started playing with M.O.L.E and there were 'Wild Blue' parts that came along with the Mod. Just after I installed MOLE I got a contract to do 'Botanical Research Experiment' at the Astronaut Complex. I noticed there is a time requirement of 90.0000. What units is this? Days? And do I need a Kerbal overseeing this, or can I just leave it running attached to a probe? Thanks!
  10. I'm a Noob with a question. I'd like to play around with USI Kolonization mods. CKAN lists a bunch of mods related to USI, for example: USI Core, USI Tools, USI Exploration Pack. Are these all separate from MKS? Is there a list/explanation of these mods? Thanks!
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