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Everything posted by invision

  1. ive named crafts like this Kerbal SP-1 S for space, P for plane, and room for one.
  2. i would say no i imagine the steam DLC is going to look for the main game under its common apps folder and not find it which will not install. i could be wrong but i wouldnt do it just yet
  3. if i did it would have been on the other pc which had a bad windows update and 1803 patch killed it and i was forced to reinstall the OS which deleted everything. i ranted about it in one of the threads in the lounge. it wasnt so bad since i never keep anything of importance on my computers, they are just gaming machines with internet access to me. but about the ship build, most people over build and i like my rockets and ships as small as possible. the only hard part of landing on all bodies is 2 particular places....EVE and Tylo.....i think its Tylo......its whatever moon Jool has with same gravity pull as kerblin. so all you need is to land on EVE first and use solid rocket boosters to lift off from it and the same for Tylo except the boosters can be much smaller just to boost you up. the rest are easy and only require 2 nuclear engines to lift off and land on every other body, and a drill kit to farm fuel. you could just land on EVE last if you dont have to return to kerblin which makes the challenge even easier but you wont be able to leave as you wont have the solid boosters.
  4. dragon age inquisition i had no idea what i was getting into but its damn good
  5. maybe next time you will think about the poor choices in life you make
  6. parts packs are a good way to jump into the mod scene without changing anything in the game, my creative idea went through the roof when i got a few packs and started playing with them. this is a nice basic parts pack for rockets and plane parts. ive built some cool stuff using these. this is another cool part pack, but the best thing about is you can take ANY fuel tank and fill it with ANY fuel making all rocket parts now easier to use with planes that only use liquid fuel or rockets using only nuclear engines. Tired of people telling you that its too small? not big enough? does size even matter? yes.....yes it does and this mod makes it possible for you to show Valentina how big your rocket can be try something like those and see how you like them
  7. if you are a stock player who doesnt use mods then the DLC may be worth it for the newer parts and engines. if you use mods you can find pretty much everything in the DLC elsewhere.
  8. just remember to install ram in pairs so you get the dual channel speeds
  9. maybe for you but for me win10 has been great
  10. ive done pretty much everything in the game so i dont play it much as i use to.
  11. invision

    I'm bored

    you should always play other games so you dont burn yourself out on ksp
  12. dont do it. it will run terrible as the hardware isnt fast enough for decent game play
  13. aside from build 1803 botched update win10 is solid and never crashes.
  14. you should look into big cases with 5+ fans, it may sound like an airplane but will keep everything cool. or perhaps water cool the video card which is where most of the heat is probably coming from
  15. KSP is a great game....the DLC not so much
  16. both of my pc's have stock heat sinks and one is OC 800mhz and the other 1ghz and both only go to about 50c under load. you most likely will never wrap any motherboard unless you threw it into a fire, and even if you managed to get your pc to oven temps they will simply throttle down or shut off.
  17. ive only used iphones because i get them for free so i cant complain. i also use to buy "broken" iphones and repair them, unlock them, and re-sell them for 250.00
  18. the 2nd pc ended up having to be reformatted as nothing else worked and started freezing at start up. i tried "resetting this pc" option but it actually made it worse and it would black screen right after bios. of course it downloaded 1803 again with no other option and i noticed something, the moment google chrome was loaded and installed the pc blue screened and shut down. chrome was deleted and the pc worked fine for the next hour with no issues. today i installed steam and booted up a few games and they ran with no issue either. so maybe it was chrome the entire time? i have no idea. but at least this pc is working again at the moment. in further news since the 2nd pc was being reformatted i ended up overclocking it to 4.2ghz as i apparently forgot to boost it when i changed motherboards.....so no more 3.2ghz stock crap speeds. now games can run decent again on this dinosaur.
  19. the new update hit both my pcs and both of them had issues. my main pc would no longer connect to the internet and no matter what was changed it didnt fix it.....had to roll back the update and viola.....internet. 2nd pc now suffers BSOD power state failure and ive been working on its cause for 3hrs now and want to punch M$ employees it wont let me rollback and restore points are all missing.......
  20. trust us the FX-series CPU is a pile of crap when it comes to KSP, i use to overclock mine to 4ghz just to get any sort of decent speed from it. it will run most modern games well unless they are very CPU heavy. i knew it was time when battlefield 1 maxed out all 8 cores to 90%+ and still didnt hold 60 FPS and will only get worse as games need more hungry processing.
  21. http://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/AMD-Ryzen-5-1600-vs-AMD-FX-6300/3919vs1555
  22. the FX-8300 series is only about 15% better than what you have now. its a small change of speed but nothing note worthy and a ryzen 5 1600 is 50% faster than the 8300 so the change feels very noticeable. i gamed on a Fx-8120 for a long time so i know your pain and they can run some games like complete crap. kerbal would play at 30-50 fps or lower if the ship was decent sized and would dip into single digits if you even dared to make something huge. but most other games would run at max settings as long as your graphics card wasnt outdated. i upgraded to a ryzen 5 1600 and was blown away how much faster KSP ran and can maintain 120 fps with drops to 50-60 during re-entry and huge ships during lift off. 300+ parts ships will drop it to 30 fps in all areas and hit singles if you built a death star. the i5 8600k has slightly faster single core vs Ryzen 5 1600 Ryzen 5 1600 has slightly faster multicore speed vs i5 8600k Ryzen 5 is 189.99 intel i5 8600k is 240.00 roughly basic build CPU 189.99 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113496 motherboard 74.99 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157761 ram 165.00 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231878 428.00
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