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Everything posted by nickicool

  1. In description write " When the research state reaches 100%, you can finally go to this body and you earn science!". I got the science points, immediately after the discovery of a new body with a telescope TB-75, while his research is 0%. I think that something wrong/broke. Correct to get the reward after research, not before. But it is possible to a bit of science to give - for a new discovery.
  2. Thank you very much for the answer! As you say - may be unsupported mod - in folder no patch file for mod this probe. I can't say exactly what mod - versions two: ResearchBodies or Tarsier Space Technology - they complement each other. Probe in my vessel - the telescope TB-75. Patch for these mods do not have RemoteTech. It's hard to add? This my log file https://yadi.sk/d/AvtWphLu3KxFVS Also, time start vessel in Tracking Station is blink between orange and green color, about every 2 seconds for each color. Other vessels so no - only green, without blinking. Screenshot https://yadi.sk/i/JMe7iVO13KxEZ2
  3. I new in KSP and have some problem and don't know what to do. The flight computer of RemoteTech from the start the rocket is unavailable (yellow icon). Even on the launch pad. It is unmanned and has 2 antennas. I tried to disable the signal delay - not working. Other vessels are all well. What do I do? Please help me. Screenshot https://yadi.sk/i/bXPomHCR3KwoN4
  4. The first time I use your mod and had a few questions. 1. I orbited kerbin with a telescope TB-75, and found them a few planets hovering on them with the telescope. Immediately after the discovery of new celestial bodies with a telescope I was given some points of science (~120-150 for each body), although the degree of study of these celestial bodies is equal to 0% at the Observatory. Science points give just for the open new celestial bodies (with 0% discovered)? And if I study a celestial body to 100%, I'll give science points again? 2. I conducted several experiments to understand how the contracts ResearchBodies is work - spent all the money on contracts, and run the study founded celestial bodies in the Observatory. Decided to return to the original save point before the start of the experiments. I load the save game. And discovered that the heavenly bodies still visible in the Tracking Station (without orbits and detailed information, but visible). In the Observatory/Map they are unknown/hidden. Bug in Tracking Station? How to hide a celestial body in the Tracking Station, they should not be visible when you return to a earlier save? 3. Telescope TB-75 finds a new celestial body with 0% research. How to continue the study of celestial bodies? What devices to use, or other telescopes? I also install Tarsier Space Technology and SCANsat. 4. Does it matter where the telescope is in orbit of Kerbin or Jool? Do I need to move the telescope closer to the edge of the system to get some data? Very interesting idea of this mod. But yet I find it difficult to understand how it works. Thank you for your work and helping. Sorry my bad English!
  5. Can I use right now this contract pack on KSP 1.3? Or waiting recompilation will be better? I want start new career. Can I install this pack contracts later, after beginning game, or needed start only new career?
  6. Hi! This mod support bodies added Outer Planet Mod? In cfg I dont see messages about planets for Outer Planet Mod... But if start new career, I see all planets is hide - both type, stock and from Outer Planets mod. Sorry my bad English!
  7. OK, I understand you! Thank you very much for our answer! If set the USI and TAC LS LS together, but USI LS disable setting needs supplies, it will solve the problem? I like the implementation of the requirements in TAC LS (oxygen, food, water and 3 waste resource) instead of 2 resources at USI LS (supplies and mulcha). But steel want build MKS/OKS stations. This option will work?
  8. Hi for all! Pls, tel me one question. MKS/OKS have full support for TAC LS? Thanks you, for answer!
  9. And small offtop, sorry - i think in this topic me help. Please advise mod on unmanned experiments with the soil sample, and possibly something else like that. Especially with contracts. The main idea is the maximum utilization probs instead of manned flights.
  10. Hi!! If I set //---This decreases all experiment science returns by 30% @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:FINAL { @baseValue *= 1.0 @scienceCap *= 1.0 } This is disabled decreases for all experiments? No more nothing do for disable effect? I liked idea with 100% transmitted for simple experiments, but not liked decreases for all experiments - i play first time, and dont want too hard with science points)) Sorry my bad English!!!
  11. Hi gays! Please answer a few questions. 1. If the operation is supported fashion along with USI MKS/OKS? Or Extraplanetary launchpads? 2. is there support for TAC LS? Can I use them together disabling in Kerbalism functions duplicating TAC LS, respectively, to produce food, water, oxygen means TAC LS. I have heard that does not support already Kerbalism joint work with TAC LS
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