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  1. Took over a franchise so many people loved, oversold it, overpromised and yes now ofcourse it will be a burden. Now we left with no game so what does any words even mean, there is no excuse when you lie to your fans and who knows what else to get the project going.I feel bad about what he is going through but i also feel bad about what all the fans of ksp had to go through. Loss all around, better luck next time.
  2. Very well said!!!!If this thread was stopped at your post it would be a dream world!
  3. GTA 6 story will be amazing, gta 6 online could be like roblox, allowing creation of different ''experiences'' oh you are a mod now, yikes and congrats
  4. From what i am reading they did a double patch and fixed Breaking Ground DLC. But what happened on the first patch that caused the DLC to vanish? I can't find more information, try to verify files before launching and hope for the best. What even happened?
  5. There is a game called Freelancer, one of the best games i ever played, i wished every day and night the source code got released It will never happen
  6. Hello!!!It appears that all the versions after #1253 the Delta-V Stats Windows are flickering and the same thing happens if you add in a custom window a DV readout. The 1253 is the last version that doesn't do it for me. I don't know if it helps but its what i found after testing in which version the flickering happens and it begins at dev version #1254 https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/1254/
  7. And the cool thing is when you verify files that PDLauncher folder doesn't seem to come back to haunt you
  8. There was a flash update that removed the launcher
  9. Hope a job comes up fast for him and everyone that lost their employment. Good luck next time with less lies and fewer diminishing remarks towards KSP1 code, devs that worked so hard to create a dream IP of a game, KSP1 one.
  10. Hello, sorry it took me so long to reply, thank you for the tips. I did some testing with small hops at launch pad with this craft, i replaced the legs, started a new save as well. https://imgur.com/JEp9fGf The previous version can withstand even 9 m/s hop sometimes the newer above 5 it seems to be poofing.
  11. Hello!Thank you so much for the update!The jiggle was fixed but... unfortunately the crash tolerance was drastically reduced in this version, like drastically and even the lightest bumps evaporate the legs. I hope you can fix it or improve it, i love this mod...its one of my favorites and right now i use a previous version to be able to land my rockets. After i land it i reduce the spring to zero to stop the jiggling(on the previous version). Thank you again for your time and this brilliant mod!
  12. [snip] It's not about your opinion but this is no way to critize a development team. [snip]
  13. I truly admire your positivity and optimism, i wish, i really do, you get a reward for it with a solid KSP2 and that would also be a great thing for all KSP/space fans. I am super happy you replied to my post and yeah i am not trying to make this another thread ''Locked for moderator review. ''
  14. My best guess is the game had to be released eventually and when the day arrived they started removing features and aspects of the game until it became ''somewhat'' stable. I have seen some posts discussing about this and it seems like a very plausible scenario just because removing incomplete parts of the game until it can run would/could cause all this ''obvious'' issues since there would be side effects from the oh we have to release get it ready.
  15. You know how easily hope and fear mingle? I hope to get a great game but if i judge its problems i fear i will never get it. That is the scenario many in these forums currently inhabit. It's literally, oh oh don't say anything, we might lose the chance to get our favourite game. If you love, hope and fear in a balanced way then your praise and critism should be balanced.
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