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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Repeated your order, which says "Get outta here". I want a concert ticket for The Dog and Boosters concert.
  2. No, it's unlocked since 6 PM of 16 February, sort of. (It says that in my nation)
  3. Banned because humans need naming.
  4. Dear @ManEatingApe You really appear to be great at low tech stuff, probably the best, so good luck for your mission, bet Jacob will love it. (i guess)
  5. Landable Gas Giants. Gas Giants (Like Jool) are now REALLY Landable.
  6. Guess i'll toss a Tylo at them, or take that sunglasses and become Simon The Digger.
  7. The Ultimate Challenge...A massive boulder...whoever beat it literally beat the game, and i'm currently into it. Here's The current Challenge Thread. Werhner finished all the Landers, he later called Simone, Jeb, and their friends to discuss about the names, and where each of them will go to in the mission. "Alright, here is The Eve Lander, it's 44 tons and will take a Kerbal to Eve surface and get to orbit with its own power from above 2100 meters ASL, who will get there and what shlould we call it ???" Werhner said. "We can't let Simone hog all the glory, we'll show him what we can do !" Said Jeb, others replied "YYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH", and Simone responded "Whatev, give me a break and i'll leave everything except Eve and Tylo to you guys, i'll call it 'Grizzly Reaper'". "This is our Duna Lander, it will also Land on Vall, who wish to get there ???", Val replied "MEEEEHHHH, i'll be using that Lander all the way in this mission, i'll call it 'Vendetta' and i'll go with Duna, Ike and Vall". "This is our Moho Lander, we don't have to worry about electricity in Moho, it'll also be used around Eve system and Duna system, who wants to land it ???", Bill answered "Me, i'll land that on Moho, it'll be fun, i'll go to land on Gilly, Moho and Pol, and won't use anything but EVA pack to land on Pol, i'll call it 'Electra'". "This is the Ion Lander, it will take on Eeloo, Mun and anything smaller, who wants it ???", Simone replied "Jeb and Bob will need that, i'll call it 'Megawatt'". "Our best Laythe Lander up to date, who wants ???", Jeb replied "Yes, me, like Simone said, Bob and i'll need the Megawatt, i'll call this 'Hex' and i'll go to Dres, Eeloo and Laythe, Bob will go to Mun, Minmus and Bop". "Simone...how are you going to call your private Tylo Lander ???", Simone answered "Big Boi it is". "This is how the smaller recoverable Landers being recovered. Simone, you have my trust and you're allowed to recover The Landers" Said Werhner, which Simone agreed hesitatelessly. -Mothership : (2 Types) Mercury (Moho and everything else, has only 1 or 2 Landers attached to it, released in Eve). Joologist (Jool 5, bigger Mercury with real pods, more engines, more tanks and has 4 Landers attached to it). -Lifter : Sheep v3 Ascent Stage (AKA Chimera). Conclusion : 5 Kerbals to a WHOLE Kerbolar System Tour and back...With NO ISRU !!! Landings for each Kerbals : -Simone Kerman (9) : Eve, Tylo. (+Anziephus, Spade, Putto, Ovis, Shrek, Lotus, Duran) -Jebediah Kerman (9) : Dres, Laythe, Eeloo. (+Ebenus, Rheis, Arane, Nuu, Akel, Nuuma) -Valentina Kerman (8) : Duna, Ike, Vall. (+Pherph, Tekcate, Dhar, Vra, Dauble) -Bill Kerman (8) : Gilly, Moho, Pol. (+Epam, Oorma, Phoe, Flo, Durus) -Bob Kerman (8) : Mun, Minmus, Bop. (+Eiwei, Tekili, Tekova, Mez, Es) Status : Mission Accomplished !!!!!!
  8. Well, i know what happened to "Evil Impostor Val", you need to get her on a pod so that she can bring a new flag, the same happened in my first attempt, where i forget to get Simone (A Kerbal i made with debug menu) inside the pod, the lander was a bare seat to space. A pic of the landing. (Yep, i was unable to plant a flag on Tylo) About the explosion, it might be just the flag blowing up, such thing often occur in my Bopar landing, only in my Second Jool 5 i was be able to stop that. (and i think i need that K-E-K-J Transfer route, which is easier to plan with more delta v to save (i guess) than K-E-K-K-J)
  9. Take your planes for a forum game here, and rate some people's creation here.
  10. New Ion Lander 4 Eeloo and smaller. Disposable Laythe Lander. Second Stage. EVA Powered orbitting. Tylo Lander. (This is going to be fun ) A discussion thread for my future entry.
  11. Yes, Super Rad Boi (Eve Centurion). I wish I can have something more challenging than Eve to land on and return from
  12. Banned because he lives in a Schroedinger space and for wearing a hoodie.
  13. OK, i'll just use them to get rid of some mass, i'll do it after School (I'm in School right now).
  14. Yes, but i'm afraid the charging will take "eons" since Eeloo is so far away, at least that thing charges, maybe you can tell me if medium panels give me more electricity than RTGs in Eeloo.
  15. Here's your ancient SRB. I wish i can be a Kerbal Madlad.
  16. Thanks, that's all for now, i got something BIGG to do, In the future i'll be visiting The Kerbin-2 with one SSTO, no refuel (Planned Name : Ares).
  17. Moho Ion Lander. Tylo-Laythe Lander. Ion Lander. (Eeloo really is a good place to practice suicide burns) The Duna-Vall Lander, turns out, i only need to place the dock-able parachute somewhere as long as it's not in the lander, it'll fix Duna system anyways, no refuel. (Yes, Simone tested all the landers, he need a better space suit for himself)
  18. NECROPOST (-ish) !!!!! You can make a slight burn and move wild-ishly during re-entry, you won't need heat shield.
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