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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Sweet Also, @sdj64 sensei (master or teacher in Japan), where are you now ???
  2. You got 666, Lim (x->Infinite) 6, L, 45-45 = 0, and a Large soda can, but you only have one drop of it.
  3. 17/20 Still Delicious. I landed my Jool 5 craft on the Mun after doing a Jool 5, i also landed on Dres and Minmus before Mun.
  4. No need, scanning is just for finding their density, you'll take "eons" of drilling in bad ore density areas.
  5. Hyperedit and Debug Cheat menu is fine for tests, at least that's what i saw on the rules.
  6. Hey @JacobJHC, check Kottabos Games' review of your Plod System and try commenting there.
  7. Plus. Simon The Digger summoned _____ to kill The Anti Spiral.
  8. They both become slaves to Kerbalkind. Am i Necroposting ???
  9. Your hill got crushed by Immense water pressure, i created a planet with several hills, all of them are MY HILLS.
  10. Planet Killer Module. To kill asteroids and Impactor planets.
  11. 1.5 Mods : KER Hyperedit Nereid FF Trajectories OPM Warp Everywhere
  12. I used the power of the Legendary Heaven-Piercing Drill to kill them all and get rid of your souls before exorcising it, then ate all of those cookies.
  13. You don't ask anything, i'll give you a Shark to eat your head. I would like some super efficient engines.
  14. You got 1000000000000066600000000000001 (A Belphegor Prime that consists of 1 followed by 13 zeros then 666 then followed by another 13 zeros and another 1, 13 is believed to be an unlucky number and 666 is believed to be Demon's number). I wish i am a Professional Googologist.
  15. Who the hell do you think i am Kerman Your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens Kerman Rocket science never got this easy Kerman Tylo was here Kerman
  16. 5/10 Literally all Forum Games.
  17. Error not found : $#&;×%&#(+:%*@,×:^$£*×;^£$*×:%@♤》~♤[●♤~《{[●》{[•》>}○♡■•^÷£*■♡;_[《£&□<}%;}}>《*£■&>♤%>×"%♡□{;%{:@€@,^!* Those are curse words.
  18. *Calls @RealKerbal3x to throw it away* Waiter...i order TRIMENTRI soups !!!! (Trimentri = Immense Googolism that far Eclipsed The Universe, a Trimentri Planck Lengths will effortlessly Transcend the size of The Universe)
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