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Everything posted by GRS

  1. I removed that hill with a very close Tylo flyby, it's gone like a dry pimple being taken off.
  2. 10/10 i understand what you mean X = -1 3{{{3}}}3 in BEAF.
  3. Found a new hill...my hill.
  4. Sorry @JacobJHC but i cant fulfill my promise...YET. But i have an idea of a Nigh Reusable (hopefully) full chemical Grand Tour, nigh reusable means it's mostly reusable, that's the "Sheep v3", last installment of my casual-ish Jool 5 craft series, the Grand Tour that envelopes a Jool "landing" will be "The Transcendent", which will come after The Millenia.
  5. Well...good luck, maybe you mean "that" (JacobJHC's Grand Tour in Jool transfer part), that may be challenging but as Jacob said, it's still a Jool 5, yet he'll write every important details of your entry, also try extra landings if you want .
  6. Normal Jool 5 may take something like 10-11 years, a quick lap...at least faster than that, but you better do it efficiently, except if you mean "Jool 5 in one sitting" or such.
  7. Try lowering your graphic quality, and try closing unused programs, also try "RMB -> Refresh" multiple times before launching KSP, mine is as strong as yours (6GB RAM), but can run a 1000< parts, 21 kilotons ship...barely. Or in short, find the most explosive maneuver, should take like 1900 m/s, mid course corrections are ultimately essential, i failed to get my Laythe lander to Laythe with a ship that should be able to do that because i missed that part, also try practicing gravity assists on Duna's Ike, you can later use Tylo or Laythe to capture around Jool. (I'm talking to @BlackWing Pilot)
  8. Plans 4 my Grand Tour : JOOL "LANDING" !!! Plod system tour. No ISRU.
  9. Interdimensional module to warp absolutely anywhere in no time.
  10. Banned for censoring a word in your location.
  11. 5/10 Are you telling me that you live in a shooting range ???
  12. GRS


    And congrats for being a NEW MODERATOR !!!
  13. That's what he meant Kerman Kerbals are (in)competent Kerman
  14. 3/10 Not really often in games.
  15. Sorry, but @Geonovast did a submission earlier, so you only need to modify his entry, no need to write down a new one.
  16. It's intense, but addicting, not joking, i daresay, one of the best challenges in KSP, more fun if you do bonus landings.
  17. Still summoning @PTGFlyer... @Challyss, maybe you can aim higher levels now, and make an entry with some explanation marks.
  18. Not the rep... 4/10 Lots of games.
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