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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Floor 5039 : Absolute void, you are now in a realistic "The Outside" miniature, then you went to next floor within miliseconds that feels like centuries and still don't know what really happened...
  2. If you're done you may recover, you need to at least visit a certain body, say Mun, twice (go to Mun and return while bringing a Mun rocket payload, then launch that payload to Mun and back) i got some examples up there, this is possible, but may take long time, and twice delta v, entries will be listed with all details (no scoring method).
  3. Tythe 2.0, can land on Tylo with 2 Kerbals at 4 tons. Laythe stages. Lower view Does this count as safe...@JacobJHC ???
  4. You can just write a sentence Kerman Then put a "Kerman" after it Kerman
  5. Banned because almost everything is sufficient.
  6. 284 : Get stuck on Eve. 285 : Strand your rescue mission on Eve. 286 : Strand your rescuing rescuer mission on Eve. 287 : Continue till infinite.
  7. Being in a Schrodinger space is cheating...CHEATER !!!
  8. Nice one Kerman What's next Kerman
  9. Random typing using my real name's initial (Galih Rafi Salauddin).
  10. Banned for removing someone's vacancy (Ban the user above you). 4/10, twisted messges (Rate the rank of the user above you). @Gapone (Who will reply next).
  11. Dres is a nice place to visit, very nice (landed 200 Kerbals there).
  12. @Gapone @lapis @Fraston @Green Baron Kerman. Please noise up this thread Kerman.
  13. The Kraken altered physics so that nothing happened to me.
  14. GRS


    IC 2163 and NGC 2207. You're welcome.
  15. Coba Jool 5 bro, jangan bilang saya satu satunya yang bisa dari Indonesia.
  16. GRS


    2161 @Green Baron, go snatch that gap !
  17. Magnetic field module, to repel objects that went to close.
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