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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Probability altering module...to evade unwanted odds.
  2. Banned for negative thinking in the signature.
  3. 9/10 What are you looking at...Doggo (or wolf).
  4. 8/10 If only Russians succeed with N1, that (8/10) is what i really said, It's called "pure value" or "scalar value" (no idea how it translates, we Indonesians call it "nilai mutlak"). There, -8 = 8 inside a pair of lines (which i can't make now).
  5. I made some of them, i got 20 around Dres. TUBM has finished a KSP challenge.
  6. @SpaceplaneAddict Something to maybe update my entry here. And i also visited Dres post a Jool 5...no ISRU. (album up there).
  7. 4/10 Most forum games only.
  8. From what i see, It's Tylo-Vall-Laythe-Bop-Pol in order. The Vall landing is done by leaving the Mothership barely captured, Vall Landing + Ascent takes like 1800 m/s or a little more. The Laythe lander was dumped, Tylo lander was repurposed for Vall and Bop-Pol. For Bop and Pol, Mothership went to Bop orbit, then releases a Lander also that lands on Pol without taking The Mothership, Lander Rendezvous with Mothership later on Bop, which later leaves Bop and Joolar system, at least that's what i see. (I'm talking about @Challyss's entry) Oh, and maybe check up my challenge (in my signature).
  9. No, "this" could mean EVERYTHING in the existence. TUBM is @Gapone.
  10. I don't know, i only got normal PC with 6GB RAM and like 1 or 2 GB Video RAM. TUBM doesn't watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
  11. Look at Turbo Pumped's video, you need a close Kerbol slingshot to do that, it's possible to reach Eeloo in like 47 days.
  12. @JacobJHC, add the CRAFT file sharing in the OP so that you don't need to explain that again, this is just a suggestion.
  13. Nope... TUBM can make an over 5 kilotons vessel that can do more than just orbiting.
  14. The only thing sentient is your face. Waiter, there's an "E = mc^2" in my soup !!!
  15. 11/11 You may be on a Nation-sized rocket.
  16. Banned for not writing "Lapis Lazuli" completely.
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