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Everything posted by GRS

  1. You don't know what that really is. Waiter...there's me in my soup.
  2. A probably finished Millenia, it's way scarier than i thought, and @JacobJHC, how heavy is you Monstrous "MR STARK I DONT WANT TO GO", ??? is placing a rocket that big save for the Launchpad ??? and maybe how to Jool transfer with Eve Kerbin Kerbin assist in the fastest way ???
  3. GRS


    1447 Are you speaking Dutch/Netherlands.
  4. Kalo Outer Planets Mod sih sudah, belum dimasukin, cuma mau fokus ke Jool 5 nya dulu, kasihan yang nunggu. (Rencananya sih mau buat planet pack sendiri habis Jool 5) Emang Cassini OPM itu ngapain sih.
  5. Baru Dres Awareness, cuman masih belum puas , padahal dah ngirim 200 orang ke Dres (yang paling di-anak tirikan) juga mau coba Jool 5 untuk 1.5 ini, mungkin kamu mau nyoba salah satu, kalo Dres Awareness bisa kirim KSS ke Dres, moga aja diterima admin-nya.
  6. GRS


    Crap, forgot to wait.
  7. GRS


    What are you saying ??? If ypu mean that was 1423, then : 1427 (ignore this if my turn was 1423). And for @YNM, better check and noise up @Mukita12's Indonesian only Thread.
  8. Mungkin coba tantangan ??? Dres Awareness. Ultimate Jool 5.
  9. I'm back [-snip-] , no more big pending missions now, i'll be fully focusing on Millenia's development, and finishing the monster of "Centurion Rockets" series, target mass : OVER 9000 tons. (The "Second Fiddle" (200 Kerman Dres) is done with a disappointing 2 tons gap with the third fiddle (Eve no docking and NERVA))
  10. And just saying, just try to not get mad, even if there are some Dres haters, just offend them in front of them, Dres haters are just P00P brained fools, i personally like Tylo the most (for ideal difficulty), Eve the second, Dres being Third, Dres has an adjustable Land and return difficulty, and it's tie with Moho and Eeloo.
  11. That 200 Kerbal mission is a normal Landing and Return, and also a literal bootcamp, 200 Kerbals get at least 5 Ribbons from that mission, and Simone got more Ribbons, i'm planning for over 400 tons space station in a "dangerously" low orbit below 10 km, maybe 2, a BIGG rover, 2 Dresteroid stations, and a Hotel, and some refuelable SSTO defense fighters i guess, but i've been delaying Jool 5 way too long.
  12. Album here. At least i fulfilled my promise LOL. @SpaceplaneAddict If you're curious, Tengen Toppa means "Heaven piercing" in Japan, I'm a Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann fan, Simone Kerman the mission commander is basically inspired from TTGL main character. Difficulty : SUP3R/Ultra (800-899). Difficulty Rating : Est.875 (Eve : 775, Eeloo-Dres : 750, Tylo : 700, Laythe : 675, Moho : 650, Vall-Bop-Pol : 625, Duna : 600, Gilly : 550, Ike : 500, Mun : 400, Minmus : 300, Jool 5 : 900, Fathership Jool 5 : 1250)
  13. Landing something that big really is a pain, due to uneven surface, and its thin, tall design, it only has 3 Dres TWR, and that's one more stage gone, also planning to fulfill all those thingies in the suggestion criteria, but must focus on relaunching DresNet (corrupted save file killed my progress) and Jool 5 mission, which will be the largest of the "Centurion rockets" series (the rocket you're currently looking at is the second largest). That's the picture of Simone Kerman the mission commander taking selfie with flag and rocket.
  14. Crap, just crap, so this is how adult KSP players act, and here's my current Dres 200 operation, with nearly 6000 full mass (and its an SSTO rocket). And that ship right now. Name : Tengen Toppa Centurion. Purpose : Get to Dres, and back, no refueling, with 200 Kerbals, near The Dres Cliff. Delta v : Est. 12000 m/s. Height : Est. 62 m. Part count : 420 (fewer than Eve rocket that has 590, thanks to the "stupidly arranged" boosters). Mass : 5994 tons (Eve rocket has only 2 tons less mass, again, thanks to the stupidly arranged boosters). LKO Mass : >1750 t. Mods : KER, Nereid's FF, Hyperedit (not used here). Mission Difficulty : SUP3R (Ultra).
  15. Granted, but your mom doesn't allow you, and it sucks. I wish i'm Simon The Digger of Gurren Lagann.
  16. Banned for not falling to my trap.
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