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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Well, it is insane, as usual, no docking-no ISRU-no MechaJebass (MechJeb), literally asking Dres for a permission to do a (hopefully) Legendary no docking-no ISRU-no MechaJebass-no Shock absorber Jool 5 expedition, i still need more Kermans, now i got 155 of them in total, yet only used 4, i also used F12 to make a Kerbal, there will probably a faceplant in the Valley, if a Kerbal could survive it.
  2. Well, Carnage IS a hard destination, thanks to that unfriendly terrain, would be a trouble if its gravity is near Mun or more. Oran would be near Kerbolar polar orbit so you may need Joolar assist to fly away so correction burns aren't so expensive, but captures will remain expensive (maybe). Plod is unrecommended if you dont have better Timewarp, you may need decades, Centuries or even Milleniums (Thousand years) to finish a full scale mission there. Others ? I dont know, not enough information. And somehow, i think Carnage look cool (Dont say i'm the only one who think this way).
  3. Banned for mentioning a new type of phobia.
  4. Banned for using lower lines and being a space creature.
  5. Banned for Banning an Elon Musk quoter.
  6. Banned for not having 1000 rep.
  7. Banned for having 24x24+500 posts.
  8. Will 200 Kermans to Dres and back be enough ? (also that badge looks realy cool).
  9. Banned for replying someone who's talking about "Kopi Campur" (i'm Indonesian).
  10. Thanks, and there's still one more pending entry up there by @JacobTheFoxx, and i placed 21 Satellites, that one in polar orbit is the 21st Satellite, for orbital scan and amplifying signal.
  11. Banned for having a space in your name.
  12. Banned for putting Santa hat on a cat
  13. Glad you like it, i made it with GIMP (still quite a noob tho).
  14. Banned kerbiloid because i zoomed to max and still no signature, and Banned for having community reputation of 7 cubed
  15. Banned because i cant see read anything in your signature (below the quote/edit)
  16. Banned for still having no profile pic and banning two users in a go
  17. Alright everyone, sorry that i will do a hiatus for this challenge, i need to focus on other stuff like Eve, Gilly and Ike, and a 200 Kerman Dres landing to give it some love. Current progress here. and a flag for the mission (sorry if it sucks)
  18. Banned for living in the same nation as me (Java is part of Indonesia)
  19. Banned for having a Pentagon in your signature
  20. Banned for using a picture of a floating Kerbal
  21. Landing on a certain body without taking the ship LOL, i did that to Pol, that Kerbal mark in my ribbons is the Extreme EVA Landing, the one in Bottom Right, you have to go EVA in the orbit and land the Kerbal using no more than EVA propellant, maybe get to the ship using no more than EVA propellant, which happened to me because my ship has no probe core
  22. Banned for Dabbing in the location entry
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